2014: I was in the same room with a university Japanese girl back then during a study camp. She made effort to look her very best. For me I prefer to sleep more 😌😪

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2012: Memory of my time trying to find suitable clothes for my pear shape body in Japan... most clothes were cute with laces and ribbons that were made for slim women... 😫 🎀
Join my Telegram channel! https://t.co/b6C3RNGnU5

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2012: 🍔I gained 5 kg when I was studying in US and lost 5kg when studying in Japan🍣. Now I gained 3kg in Singapore 😂

Join my Telegram channel! https://t.co/b6C3RNGnU5

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2016: I was at HCMC in and wasn’t sure how to cross the roads with so many motorists not following the traffic lights... ☠️

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2015: Will you voice out your complain or just walk off quietly?

Join my Telegram channel! https://t.co/b6C3RNXZiF

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We are not sure if anyone had tried this yet 🤫

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2013: I was shocked when I first went to Japan to study. There were a lot of chilled food, not just raw seafood but also raw chicken... raw horse meat... ... 🐓🐎

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2016: Why it takes forever...

Join my Telegram to not miss a comic! https://t.co/b6C3RNGnU5

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2016: No more monkeying in trains now...

Join my Telegram channel! https://t.co/b6C3RNGnU5

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2016: Japanese companies do not let employees specialise in one skill but instead be a Jack of all trades. Promotions are not directly linked to their original expertise.

(I’m now on Telegram too! https://t.co/b6C3RNGnU5 )

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"Now you understand the importance of wearing face mask, right?" (Face masked delinquent - NEVA 2020)
He is one of my villain characters on my comic, unfortunately, I haven't translated into english yet, but someday I will~

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Did this comic as my work was recently edited and shared so I think not everyone knows how to share properly.

(I’m now on Telegram too! https://t.co/b6C3RNGnU5 )

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I feel like a Wonder Woman everyday, how about you?😬

(I’m now on Telegram too! https://t.co/b6C3RNGnU5 )

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