Byleth (F): A fun MC to build with the amount of flexibility she has! Her deploy skill allows for some nice combinations with low costs and potential for free advantage with her class change skill.

1 21

Saw this floating around thanks to , so here's my list. I didn't have anyone else for colorless.

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FE0第19弾「黒衣の魔剣騎 アレス」 | 靄太郎-Moyataro-

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Seliph: A very flexible MC for yellow. A bit slow on start but his bond unflip/buff allows for interesting combinations and different styles of play. Oh and he has a ghost dad as support, who else can say that! 👻

2 16

Erin: A new tempo card for Yellow, Erin combined with other units that deploy from bonds allow you to build a large field as early as turn 4 without sacrificing bond count. Use them with a +10er MC to consistently hit your opponent with your large field. Fun deck!

4 9

【お仕事情報】本日発売のファイアーエムブレム019弾『覇天の聖焔』にて「ドミニク家の秀才 アネット」「花開く努力 アネット」を描かせて頂きました!FE0で女の子描かせてもらえるの初めてでドキドキしながら描きました。宜しくお願いします!#FEcipher

515 1381

Chrom: Blue's best tempo option now as splash and MC. His deploy skill allows him to pressure the opponent with high cost beaters that also buff Chrom, forcing them to be cleared before attacking Chrom in most cases. Tanky boy!

6 14

Lachesis: A splash that is seeing more play with bond accel strategies, Purple in particular. Bond accel to lower your hand and then draw a card for free when you bond her! Good in top deck mode too.

0 5

Sothis: Helps on hit MCs the most (Dimitri, Edelgard), but any Brown MC can get advantage with her. CP working until the end of the game is great; one trigger of it breaks even and everything past that is all extra value.

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1 2

Larcei: Aggressive MC, 2 attacks a turn with crits. Play with Kaze makes it easier. Also is a trigger for the previously revealed Ulster as expected. Bond skill helps crit as well, use set 6 Deirdre 1 to get it without bonding the card from hand.

2 12

Marianne: Cost 2 CP secures survival for a turn if your MC has high power. Cost 3 CP moves a unit and gives a 30 support, similar to the old purple cost 1 self-stack fliers without the deployment commitment. The draw chance for MC hitting is a good rate.

2 10

I think Bernie2 has a cool niche in being able to always threaten any flier at any point. Since she bounces back to the hand there won't ever be a point in time where you wish you her besides any point before you draw her. Hinoka, Caeda, Myrrh, Kurth are some targets to hit.

1 5

Bernadetta: Cost 2's 10 support makes it not worth running, though the bounce can save a card in some cases. Cost 4 can get a 1 for 1 on a CC and also hit opposing backline for 60 from the backline, not bad.

0 6

Robin (M): A rising option for Blue, as new Sumia gives more of a reason for earlier avoids. Hitting big numbers is also relevant against Brown/Byleth CP. Gives free advantage on crits and evades, which can force the opponent into lose-lose situations!

1 14

Newly added, Laevatein MC.
Use destruction skills to consistently trigger her untap. Bypass base 80+ units with her +40 self buff to hit for 110. Scary!

3 10

Flayn: Free advantage from CP usage, gets better with more CPs released. Defensive buff will help against midrange/aggressive decks in general. Still needs to do something on field for most value; tap to use for Edel's new destruction CP!

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