HBBD Blue Mary, she's one of those, fun to draw, but I don't play, Especially EX version from Real Bout.
Dual Gun Nina seems interesting 🤔

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Remade an old fanart for fun and also check how much I've grown. Still a long way to go 😅

This is Elphelt Valentine from Guilty Gear Xrd, if you're wondering.

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Less know/obscure/forgotten characters of fighting games 12: Serina Hiyu - deadly arts/g.a.s.p!!fighters’ NEXTream . Konami 1998

20 74

Had this idea. I had recently just listened to a podcast about the movie Megan, & boom. Maybe it had to do with the Bot follows 🤔.

8 26

One of the things I like about Garou, even with my mains are BJenet & Freeman, each character is fun to play. Looking forward to what the new game brings

30 71

Someone commented on a retweet of a FT5 series is doing this Saturday. The post had YAMAZAKI on it. Yama still doesn't have a knife in XV.

31 84

Char do projeto de concepts de um jogo de luta inexistente até agr sem nome.
Pensei nele ser o cara que usa mais os chutes dentro do jogo e sem um poder sinistro como o Jovis. Ele só é bom em meter a bicuda mesmo.

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