画質 高画質

Pronouns: She/They

I occasionally like cuddles
I share my snacks
Easily Flustered

Soft bully me pls..
No make me >.>
Really addicted to voices...

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I bet Rust adores seeing Otto flustered AND being the reason behind it-

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and an andns and Pigsy gets flustered when Tang just randomly comes up and cuddles him and Tang gets flustered when Pigsy holds his hands n theyre so silly and cute and they bicker like the old married couple they are but theyrr still aco afdexitonate with eacho5her auaueuugueueu

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"Your hands are so nice and warm- Aaha! Sorry, was I too much?"

Marax, stop flustering the scholar! 😳
just a fun silly thing i wanted to quickly sketch cause im getting ahead of myself again 😅
for @/auliander

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"C'meere, cutie~. How 'bout you n' I go back t' mah place affer this?" The wolf drunkenly flirts with a nearby patron of a bar he was in, after they watched him slam back a couple barrels of beer like it was nothing. Can ya blame them for being flustered?

Thanks to !

198 869

I cleaned up a sketch that I made when i was on a flight back home..

Here you go, flustered blushy artem hehehe

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Weird thing that I came to notice with my art is how much I am improving with my expressions

I often draw my sona being all "uwu I'm a flustered bottom ", but I've been drawing my face more emotive and more toony.... I'm quite proud of myself! Heh

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[EN Version]
Artist's Comment: Kirino let her guard down on an off-duty day and slept until noon, so when Sensei came to her house unannounced she got awfully flustered...


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Rox is just chilling with a cute girl before getting the game started! Whitney is a little bit flustered!


Wyatt: ....Christ almighty I did not expect people to be this tall here.... though it could also be that I'm shorter.... or both...

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Flustered by the bf makes for unwarranted changes.
Prime ruffle target though :3

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’s absolutely amazing character, wonder what’s making them Flustered!🙃 quick sketch😁 https://t.co/LzzcFmiSTJ

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"get pinned"

A small birthday gift featuring his ethereal lady get flustered when her crush looming over her.

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ᨳ . ʾʿ 🪩 Day 2 ꒱ .ᐟ
“ — Dancingㅤ 𓈒ㅤㅤ⊹
꒰ ꒰ — My OC Meiling with Tao Ren from
the anime/manga Shaman King !
I love how the roles reversed during this scene. Ren is confident and Meiling is flustered. XD

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3 )) Maxima Kingsley! He larps around as a vampire who has been alive for 2100 years! (She's 21!) He gets quite flustered if you question his vampire tendencies, or if you simply compliment her hair!

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another commission for a based anon, of they're Piñata critter OC Úna offering her sweaty smelly feet to the viewer, and bein' all flustered about it

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part 1: first meeting
I had to shorten the audio clip a bit because twitter video length limit, but the way he sounded all flustered proposing the idea of being a fake boyfriend made me rly soft

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Flustered Odeta as a little treat

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A gift for of N princess carrying Hikaru. Seems Hikaru is quite flustered.

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s q u e a k s !! flustered baker noises, oh gosh—

“H-How does this help you do that…?!” https://t.co/MjoYZkJuUj

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I love how Mr Yoo always managed to make my adorable lovely dork Bongsoo flustered 🤧😂❤

Happy Monday..!!

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