doodles: fontaine part 2! 🫶🤍

525 2972


“ibaratnya gini, kalian masuk ke fontaine, ga matuhin peraturan fontaine, dan buat penduduk fontaine jadi resah. apa ga menyebabkan kekacauan?”

21 182

Karyababu by sender

Naga air fontaine potong rambut. Heheh 👉🏻👈🏻

0 10

Babu! Random Funfact : Freminet satu-satunya karakter LAKIK Fontaine yang bisa nebang pohon (sampai saat postingan ini dibuat)

767 5216


I just finished fontaine story 🥹

1269 12396

archon of hydro, regina of all waters, kindreds, peoples, and laws, furina de fontaine! 🐬

46 220

A punishment 👅 (2/2)

⚠️ Warning : blood

29 577

babu! one of the prettiest scenery in fontaine, this blue weeping willow

156 971

“If one does not wish to see us on opposite sides of a conflict, they need not worry, for I intend to stay in Fontaine for the foreseeable future, which could well mean another four hundred years.”


3012 19123

tehe! selamat kepada mba navia telah menjadi karakter fontaine 5star limited yang tidak melukai diri sendiri/melukai party untuk ngedemek👏👏👏

60 974

can anyone tell me if this dude actually exists or is he a dead concept/fake leak—

cause i was extremely hyped for fontaine solely for this man

0 25

"Actually.. it's Fontaine story..."

0 40

babu! sender's new fontaine serenitea pot 🫧🪸

9 85


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