Baru bikin art! acc😽
ada yg mau berwawan kh?
oiya yg suka bllk get freepass🎫

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greetings traveler! im searching for more kawanbabu ⛅☆ im goes by pronouns she/her, on legal age, im multishipper so im okay with any ships! :D if u dont mind i not only post abt genshin, random things, suka jbjb jugaa. freepass for navia, wrio, furina stan 🌟 (cont..)

0 20

Tehe! Im looking for interactive kawanbabu to fill up my tl! Kazuha main dan legal use he/they for pronouns, i like coop a lot so maybe we can coop together, rep saja nanti aku samperin. Anemo boys simp and kazuscara stan get freepass.

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hello, venti main here!! aku mau cari kawanbabu ☝️☝️ pls keep in mind that i'm a minor, i do cosplay and mostly loud abt scara 😋 kzscr & cnnri get ur freepass!! basic dni criteria

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hemlo!! im looking for new kawanbabu , sender she/they, ar58, albedo & scara main. oh iya akunku unlabeled isinya kadang anime manhwa & other games.
drop your carrd/rentry or a simple hi and i'll hyu!!

🎟 scara, albedo, lyney simp claim your freepass <3

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hi halo! aku mau cari kawanbabu untuk mengisi timeline aku yang sepi ini karena baru pindahan. kindly drop your carrd or simply say hi. see you! neuvillette kinnies, grab your freepass quick!

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Greetings, since my timeline is super dry, so i'm looking for more kawanbabu here to mingle with. I go by masculine pronouns and already on my legal age, i prefer those who loves to interact! Basic dni criteria. also tartali, kavetham and zhongli stans claim ur freepass!

0 5

hi! i'm looking for genshinmoots yg gk masalah acc ku campur txt, kpop. i go by she/her, legal age! yg navia wanter get a freepass 🩷 leave a trace and i'll hyu, make sure to fb >_<

p.s homophobes and minors dni ya

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HALOOO, aku mau cari kawanbabu yang udah legal dan masih aktif genshin. aku udah legal, pake pronouns she/her, wrio main. aku demen dekor teapot 🥳. akunku campur anitwt n kpop [dkiiit]. navia wanters get a freepass. LGBTQphobic dni ya 🤩✨️🩷

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helloo!! i'm looking for kawanbabu to interact with since aku baru on lagi dan aku lonely HAHA. i mostly talk abt games (genshin hsr enstars), kpop (svt txt skz) and animanga. drop ur rentry or carrd and i will hit u up! freepass for small acc and navia wanters 🌹

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Hello gaes! I'm looking for more kawanbabu if you don't mind i'm also hyping HSR, sometimes i'm hyping up about kpop (esp svt👀) and movies thingy. I go by she/her and legal age! 😊

Kazuha, ayato, neuvillette, yoimiya haver claim ur freepass!

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kawanbabu ‼️this anemo + neuvi main main need your help to fill up my tl 🥺 my acc full of kazuscara and wriolette with a lot of dirty post, pls consider it HAHA 👀💦 The rest is in this pic! if u dont mind, freepass for u🎫 my dp is neuvi big (cont..)

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good night peeps! this sender is looking 4 kawanbabu to be friend with! i'm already legal and okay with any preference 🪩 get ur freepass ticket if u're childe && harbinger(s) stans 🎟️

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greetings traveler! im searching for more kawanbabu ⛅☆ im goes by pronouns she/her, on legal age, im multishipper so im okay with any ships! :D if u dont mind i post often irl, and random things, suka jbjb jugaa :3 freepass for navia, yoimiya, wrio stan 🌟 leave a (cont..)

0 7

hello, travelers. mau menambah kawanbabu yang ngga masalah kalau sender pakai newly made account. i’m an adult, she/her, and a slightly hsr & lore enjoyer. jadi minors dan homophobic dni dulu ya? drop your tmi and i’ll hit you up. freepass buat Clorinde wanter dan (cont..)

0 4

Neuvi nari bali, karyababu by sender 🥰
Adakah yg mau bermutualan dgn sender?
Haikaveh, wriolette shipper freepass
(Homophobic & minor dni ya)

6 32

greetings traveler! im searching for more kawanbabu ⛅☆ im goes by pronouns she/her, legal, im multishipper so im okay with any ships! :D if u dont mind i post often irl, and random things, suka jbjb jugaa :3 freepass for navia, yoimiya, wrio stan 🌟 leave a trace, (cont..)

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As I embark on a fresh journey in life, I'm on the lookout for new kawanbabu to join me. Drop your Genshin fav characters / main, favorite lore or TMI.

Ps: small account and legal age preferred. Wriorinde shipper and lore enjoyer, claim your freepass. See you soon, eh?

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Happy Weekend! Apakah ada yang mau menjadi genshinmoots baru sender?😻 Akun aman untuk segala genshintwt~ Bucin Ayato claim freepass 🎟️🎟️🎟️ Reply aja nanti di ❤️ ava Kokomi. Arigatouuu!

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Happy Weekend! Apakah ada yang mau menjadi kawanbabu baru sender?😻 Akun aman untuk segala genshintwt~ Bucin Ayato claim freepass 🎟️🎟️🎟️ Reply aja nanti di ❤️ ava Kokomi. Arigatouuu!

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