Seems like Gankoomon could not defeat Belphemon after all

23 66

well one less on the list :3 Examon ❌
-Gankoomon ❌
-Lilithmon ❌

6 23

It's rather crazy that we got Bandai to actually put Examon and Gankoomon on its main product cover. Considering that these Digimons are only popular among Digimon fans. DMX are made exclusively with fans in mind. I love it!

19 92

well one less on the list :3 Justimon ❌
-Examon ❌
-Gankoomon ❌
-Lilithmon ❌

31 85

Gankoomon X-Antibody (Unmasked?)

11 35

Digimon Chronicle X - Chapter 16 - Part 01

The attack of 2 Demon Kings leaves Gankoomon almost dead.

The army attacking Jesmon X saw Gankoomon defenseless and started attacking him!!

4 15

(1) Dudo que haya sido el único en haberse percatado que últimamente Digimon Chronicle X ha sido muy inconsistente en su historia. Primero se nos dijo que Examon había sido derrotado por Lilithmon y luego que Jesmon y Gankoomon habían sido derrotados por Lucemon y Beelzebumon

16 40

Part 03

Gankoomon defeated the others and stoods in front of the attacks and saves his protegee!!

Alphamon, Omegamon X and Dukemon X are nowhere to be found and Yggdrasil orders the others Royal Knights to help in the Old Digital World!!

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Part 02

With Gankoomon in a new fight Lucemon X see that Beelzebumon X is equal with Jesmon X and go help him!!

They both attack the Royal Knight and a giant explosion happens!!

But Jesmon X suffers no damage!!

2 17

With LadyDevimon X we now know the design of all the new announced X-Antibody Digimon!!

Waiting for Vamdemon X, Agumon X (Black), MetalGreymon X (Virus) hq images!!

And hoping for new enemy-only Digimon. PLEASE GIVE EXAMON X AND GANKOOMON X!!

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Blushing Gankoomon ko-fi for !

18 38

Its been a while since I drew Gankoomon. Trying another coloring method that is quick yet still making him look cool.

20 25

Gankoomon - (ガンクゥモン)
Debido a su terca personalidad, su severo trato con Huckmon es una cruel forma de mostrarle amabilidad al querer que se mantenga al ritmo de los Caballeros Reales y se vuelva independiente. "Hinukamui", quien emerge de su cuerpo.

1 15

Menciona un RK con mas caracter que Gankoomon jajajaja

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