I missed my Goblin, I had to get another Goblin.

The food truck and 🍔 slinging in New York was great fun and I still ♥️ a McGoblin hat - it would have been a promotion for sure. 🤣

Does still work?

13 77

Picked up my 3rd yay! Always wanted one with wings and a horn! Show me yours since I've shown you mine, let's see 'em!!!

18 162

Finally acquired a and joined the ranks of other filthy, burger eating degens. Keen to connect with as many gobz as possible so leave a like or comment and i'll follow everyone back

33 320

突然发现我的 太像维尼熊里面的Pink pig了!🤣💚🐸🐷

13 69

Joined the community. Is still a thing?

31 269

The story thus far since we wished Grumpl RIP. Looks like it survived? 🤔

46 164

Alright, you got me you sons of bitches. I picked up these two on the strength of that dope ass burger truck in my hood

32 192

Greetings Mortals and Fellow Goblins!

Can a Goblin new to Twitter get some followers and I'll piss on thee floor!!

6 46

Couldn't attend the
party, so I scooped up two more Goblins instead. Bullish as ever.


20 111

Finally I pulled the trigger at 2.9 ETH!!
Super happy with this little ugly bad boy, pumped up for what's coming with goblin town 🥳🥳

12 141

I pulled the trigger this morning at 2.9 ETH!! LFG!! I’m super happy with this lil freak… check out those nips 🤣 🤣 🤣

20 131


SHOUTOUT to every goblin 🧌 let´s take over Twitter

1) like post
2) post your pfp🧌
3) comment & retweet

let´s reach every single goblin🧌 and grow our community bigger & stronger!

200 447

Don't interpret it as disrespect 😬😉 but it's a cranky garbage goblin way of saying hi.

Say helloooo to our friend👋 & Like❤ + RT 🔁 + Comment to see more

281 663


0 7

Does still work? I’ve had conviction in the project since the beginning and decentralization is the only way to go. mfers 🤝 goblins

3 38