Learned helplessness no more. I see the light

disclaimer: this is not directly related to the boys i love and support, but from all the lessons i've learned from their message and songs, i can proudly say I'm an

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My eye hasnt completely healed yet but I made this as support.

Learned helplessness no more. I see the light

disclaimer: this is not directly related to the boys i love and support, but from all their message, i can proudly say I'm an

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"This battle was like nothing I have ever experienced before. This feeling of helplessness would not leave my mind, only second to my own anger. It took a great deal of effort to take down such a foe. But if us as a team could achieve a feat like this..." https://t.co/FKJqklwK9x

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The scene inspired a lot of art. There’s something about the utter helplessness of the people that resonates. None of us ever imagined the act of going about our normal lives would be met with state violence...

Source: TG/ IG (Aug/ Oct 19)

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The Wild Swans
Hans Christian Andersen, 1838

Overprivileged Princess Elisa gets knocked down a few pegs, but dodges the trope of helplessness by using discipline and perseverance to free her 11 brothers from their evil stepmother’s spell.

🎨Yvonne Gilbert

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...characterized by near-missed reunions that just miss farce and head directly into frustrating territory.

But all the same, those misses–between the boys and X-Factor, or X-Factor and the X-Men–add to the helplessness of the event; the feeling of watching a horror movie and...

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Blue Spotted Tail / Helplessness Blues by Fleet Foxes

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Felt like drawing something Creepy-
"When he rises"
I love creepy stuff like this which just give this feeling of helplessness. Ultimate destruction. Something that fills the heart with overwhelming fear

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Promise I'm not dead, just very slow these days. Got a job, and its been kicking my ass along with general family stuffs. In other news, vent art from channeling pure edge and helplessness in many areas. Tired of seeing friends abused, and being insulted applying for jobs.

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I can't understand princeples of twitter so it causes Learned Helplessness to me. One day I will give up trying, but not today. I'm just curious about throwing some pictures into this sea of noise. Gurgle!

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Alone, always alone
Unwanted. Untouched. Unloved
Until he showed up and caressed the skin
Fear. Helplessness. Defeat.
Then warmth. Unusual and scary, yet also welcoming, a home.

He muttered: "You are mine"
A soft smile. Relief, at last.
For once in his whole life, he belongs.

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...to and begins to formulate how she might fight for the New Mutants' freedom.

The Shadow King releases Ororo from his thrall just long enough to taunt her personally with the helplessness of her situation as Illyana teleports into the Pharaoh.

While I'll never personally...

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learned helplessness

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Our issue takes another brief interlude in space–at this point something of a mid-issue backup introducing Warlock–where the Starjammers watch as the alien crashes toward Earth.

Their helplessness adds a real sense of stake to his introduction and damn does BS draw a good Carol.

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If you if you had to describe your fursona with only **one** music album what would it be?

Mine would be Helplessness Blues by Fleet Foxes.

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It can be easy to feel helplessness in the face of hate, but the AAPI community deserve better from us. There’s much that individuals can do, as detailed on the Stop AAPI Hate website (link below👇)

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Quick drawing of that came from wondering what is he doing now. I imagine him in his privacy, stripped of the frivolous side of him and facing a hidden truth. Perhaps he even feels anger, helplessness, concern... while studying how to get to where Anduin is being held.

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