And of course, the Kings would be nothing without the Queens! Introducing our leading ladies!

Carol Clarke, Queen of Clubs -
Dianne Dixon, Queen of Diamonds -
Holly Hernandez, Queen of Hearts -
Sara Sparks, Queen of Spades -

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hernando fandango the great dancing dog

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Sale Alert 🔥 • Haley B. Hernandez bought for 0.01 ETH (21.10 USD) by iSharvin from Fujimorize

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Dessin en réponse à ce qu'il s'est passé avec Wale la semaine dernière.

La cicatrice pour le poumon d'Osborne, la balafre au ventre pour Wale et Hernando, le sang sur les genoux/bras pour la passage à tabac de MacEamaillinn, évidemment la balle dans la tête de Jones.

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The whole Suarez family now has voices. Thank you so much to the three fantastic new VAs in the cast✨

Irene Suarez: Erin Nicole Lundquist
Jorge Suarez Step 4: Randy Hernandez
Nicolas Suarez Step 4: Anthony Rodriguez

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Power Rangers Commission coloring.

Art: Gabriel Rearte
Color: Hernan Cabrera

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Sale Alert 🔥 • Benjamin B. Hernandez bought for 0.01 ETH (19.27 USD) by Feathers92 from 0x58eb0c

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Sale Alert 🔥 • Benjamin B. Hernandez bought for 0.01 ETH (12.80 USD) by 0x58eb0c from WorkofARTNFTClub

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Rexona no te abandona!
Sabían que Moctezuma se bañaba 3 veces diariamente y donde caminaba se debía barrer Al ver a HernanCortes de un viaje tan largo

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The frontwoman of the band, Annina Hernandez! She's an incredible guitar player and vocalist influenced mostly by thrash metal and groove metal, as well as being really into anime and video games. She's got a complicated history, especially with the rhythm guitarist...

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Full body coming soon to of Tammy Hernandez. Been on the radar for a while. Enjoy the rest of the if you are not melting already.

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more Art for the 2022 Superbat Reverse Bang , read the fic >

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My bday is sunday and im out of weed if anyone wants to send monies so i can buy some pls and thx 😭😭😭🥺
Venmo: iehernandez
Paypal: lllamacroft

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Meet the big bad of our crossover, the Hag. Pencils/Inks by Paulo Hernandez, colors/letters by April Guadiana.

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Sale Alert 🔥 • Jared B. Hernandez bought for 0.01 ETH (10.94 USD) by 0x388905 from Andycool

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We are back with our nightly game of Stray! We just found all of the books to make contact with up above, but will our little cat, Jose Jefe Hernandez the Third, make it past the swarms of tick like beings?

Well, come find out!
(link down below 🔽🔽🔽)

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Looking forward to Adam Warlock in your upcoming films, ⁦⁩ ! Homage art for fun by me; colors by Alex Hernandez ⁦⁩ !

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gotta give a shoutout to trey "" hernandez for his day birth

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