"They're so close, Claude's free hand slowly trailing up her bare arm to her shoulder, his warm breath against her skin making her shiver."

excerpt from Steal All The Stars From The Sky - an amazing fic by that I got to do a comm for! 💛💖

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She flips her twintails behind her back, a stone cold glare eyeing him up.

"Take a good guess, Son Goku."

Letting him take in her appearance as she crosses her arms over her chest, giving him a glare that could make the bravest of men shiver.

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Bien sûr je te ferai mal. Bien sûr tu me feras mal. Mais ça c'est la condition de l'existence. Se faire printemps, c'est prendre le risque de l'hiver. Se faire présent, c'est prendre le risque de l'absence C'est à mon risque de peine que je connais ma joie.
A. de Saint-Exupéry

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Not fair, I can't possibly decide!

Well, I definitely have to choose the one I'm a part of! Just being held like this~
But I also absolutely love this comic, everything about it makes me shiver. <3

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✍️CHALLENGE / Jour 069/100] Dédicace à tous les chanceux rider et soutien aux stations et professionnels des sports d’hiver.

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Masashi Kishimoto a réalisé une illustration crossover entre Naruto et My Hero Academia pour le Jump Giga de cet hiver.

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Le premier jeu de la franchise auquel je joue plus de dix heures, incroyable ! Accessible et chatoyant, y'a un côté vacances d'été insulaire qui marche bien et a aidé à tenir l'hiver. J'aurais pu citer Animal Crossing mais y'a pas de chara design pété dedans donc...

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I love when wolves stand up to see things.
I also wanted to draw a feral Shiver.

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Hello there! I will try to post smth here, sooo, this is first.
My OC - Shiver. Pretty old drawing, I wish I had some good new ones.

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Je voulais faire quelque chose inspiré par l'hiver... Je ne sais pas si c'est évident, mais voici le résultat :-)

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Je veux voir de la neige cet hiver.

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Aprem d’hiver.
Encres sur 300g

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L'automne est le printemps de l'hiver.

~Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 🪶

Dans le lit - Le baiser (1892)
© Henri de Toulouse Lautrec (1864-1901)


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You know I-

If I were to ever finish a fursuit tbh I may make one of like- Shiver. Silver’s design changes so much yet Shiver’s design will most likely stay this way

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She had lunch with Kindal for 2 weeks. Three days in however she started bringing lunches for the both of them. Today was a cold day and the 11th one with only 3 days left. Kindal gave her his jacket after seeing her shiver. This was yet another mistake.

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Ce week-end nous passons à l'heure d'hiver. N'oubliez pas le illustration de Marcel https://t.co/ZxHM3uQyJE

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Les dunes du désert, tantôt chaudes comme le soleil, tantôt froides comme l'hiver...

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New OC so this may change-

3. FrostedOak is the only cat in GlacierClan that has been friendly towards Shiver. They understand why he feels angry at the clans and secretly wants to join his group of rogues.

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Butcher-B is a lumbering silent killer. He's based on a concept idea for a villain I made before named Shiver.

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