fdhfjdshf oh my god i can't believe we're muts?!!😭 honetsly any of em !

0 0

[Custom ] Phonetic pangrams for frenetic pangenders https://t.co/zu3d8wrvGr

3 38

Oh everyone! Happy Veterans day! Strange I forgot about it myself being a Vet and all. Hell its so ingrained in me I still write in all caps, speak in a phonetic alphabet and I still flinch to attention at certain sounds. Other vets, do you relate?

1 3

茶柱からの貴重音声詩盤 Ilse Garnier, Pierre Garnier, Seiichi Niikuni - Phonetic Poetry On Spatialism

0 3

-ko Argitalpen Zerbitzuak argitaratu berri du Laida Literatura & Identitatea ikerketa taldeak koordinatutako "Komikiak aztertzeko gida bat" argitalpenaren euskarazko edizioa. Esteka honetan daukazue eskuragarri:

8 9

💚Answer riddle correctly w region + summs

Phonetically I'm delta, but really, I'm an alpha.
I could even get away with being a doctor.
I'm born with wings that I cannot use.
A bird like the night forever infused.

Which LoL champ am I?

97 114

Happy Share my bedtime w a young child. To build & phonetic recognition, point to words that begin w "B." Belly, bunny, bear, bottle, etc. More Reading Tips at https://t.co/uJia5aqsRd

3 8

Here's my thread for Kuroovember!
And before some of you get confused, this is for Kuroo Hazama/Black Jack, not Kuroo Tetsurou or anyone who shares a similar phonetic name.

I hope you'll celebrate the 48th anniversary of my favourite series with me!

1 9

- Arthur morava em uma cidadezinha do interior chamada “Carpazinha” e era cliente frequente da lanchonete local: “Gasparzinho lanches” chegando a se intitular fã do local.

- Gaspar é o nome original do Dante, e “Gasparzinho” era seu apelido dado pelas crianças do orfanato.

12 362

ボーンさん(@ Honetarou1015)にイラスト貰いました!ありがとうございます!m(*_ _)m



1 9

2021eko 24.  'Beste Aldetik: Hemengo eta hango trans emakumeen bizipenak'. Lan kolektibo honetan parte hartu dute eta -k, eta erakundeen eskutik. Doan paperean/PDF euskarrian https://t.co/pQ2JhiqPdW

5 9

It is called data not data. Just look up the phonetic! 🤯
Minting now for 0.055 ETH: https://t.co/Mt99TopKNQ

4 10

this crystaldude has such stupid pictures on this phonething… .

1 2

Mano, o Grillby da lanchonete do Undertale é o Solazar kkk

1 39

Hello hello!! I'm HeadphoneTrash, but you can call me Jo or Cy, and (he/they/ae)💕

1 8

Na turnê que acontece em 6-11 de outubro, Rick Riordan revelará informações do seu PRÓXIMO LIVRO pós "Daughter of the Deep". Um detalhe interessante é que Rick referenciou a piada dam snack bar/droga da lanchonete, presente em "A Maldição do Titã", ao mencionar o livro. 👀

23 431

Jakingo dezuten bezala Tupust!-en bigarren komiki liburua argitaratzeko lanean gabiltza!

Oraingo honetan autoedizioaren bidea hartzea erabaki dugunez zuen laguntza behar dugu proiektua aurrera atera ahal izateko.
Erosi Tupust! ZU aurresalmentan -> https://t.co/ukOAbo09E6

11 19

Ari e Nice trocaram telefone
Depois telefonaram e decidiram se encontrar
O Ari sugeriu uma lanchonete
Mas a Nice queria ver um filme do Godard
[Ilustração antiguinha dos meus

0 1

Human speech perception and processing

"In the human auditory cortex, the encoding of acoustic and phonetic information of speech is distributed across areas, and the information processing is parallel."


2 42

Honetsugi Shinshi, a well-dressed gentleman bone, promotes therapeutic bone exercises called Judo Therapy.

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