it's no hyperbole that I have been thinking about this for days.

Song: Paramore - Where the lines Overlap

71 257

(1/4) I just got out of Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark and i completely loved it. I'm trying hard not to succumb to hyperbole, so i'll just say that it lived up to every expectation. A new autumn classic.

246 2076

A few more scribbles for the 'Wildlife along the Towpath' chapter of the up-and-coming 'Mouse Boat Guide t' th' Owd Lanky Cut', this morning. (Pre-order your copy now before the hyperbole inevitably gives way to the disappointment of the finished book!)

2 6

is the greatest MCU movie ever. Is that a knee-jerk reaction? Hyperbole? No, it isn’t.

I’ve seen it twice now, and my only spoiler-free thought is this: Endgame is a three-hour love letter to every Marvel fan ever, and we’ll probably never see it’s like again.

152 724

Life, love, and the sucking black hole of mental illness: Adulting, Sort Of! is a colorful collection of comics for all grown-ups who aren't so sure of this whole growing-up thing.


1 3

Happy Ending ☼ Cheers to a whole decade of (no hyperbole) a subversive modern epic the likes of which never existed before. Also the worst comic. But regardless, happy 413!

375 695

Elaria is an absolute monster.
This isn't even hyperbole. If eating were a thing in the Under Realm, she'd be able to do this no problem.

god i'm so fucking lucky

0 9

My cartoon, "Effect and Cause," uses metaphor and hyperbole to explain the mechanics on how some movements maintain momentum

5 13

In the vein let me introduce you to a fantastic, amazing, delightful, extraordinary book I found today & read voraciously: "A Year In Japan" by . It is not hyperbole to say it is WONDERFUL, it is in fact completely full of wonder, and I loved it!

3 2

You made it to Take a break to look at this classic from Hyperbole and a Half. It involves a You'll feel better after, we promise.

0 2

Happy Father's Day to best Tales dad Asbel Lhant

no i'm kidding that's just hyperbole. mostly.

19 23

Hm. An animated movie review channel who isn’t a loud guy and manages to provide fair critique to movies people love to bandwagon hate on all while managing hyperbole and great jokes? This should be my favorite channel ever!...and it basically is. Hope you like the art!

7 25

Chrono Trigger is the greatest game of all time: Objectivity or Hyperbole?

Buckle up, dear readers.

15 20

Guys I'm prone to hyperbole but this is probably the best comic ever created ever

49 90

hit it so hard that there is no way I can actually turn this into effective hyperbole. Joke over.

35 44

hyperbole and a half always explains my life

1 4