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Some impostor V4 characters in V5 style

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Here is a slideshow of my Among Us OCs in game, featuring some custom colors

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i wanted to join the human pink forms designs cuz i find it cute and fun to see,

so here's my interpretation of her (yes i like to think that she's transfem) and she wears yellow socks to remind her of her husband :]

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Vs Impostor Dave: Art by Me
Dlowin' V3 lolz please

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Test 0 (Prototype Moogus )

based on the lost prototype from Among Us 2017
(it's not a minus)

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Before my old account got sused, I always like posting questions about Vs impostor, and some of them blew up and 80% of the time one of the devs would reply to the post. Like, I could just ask something like "How Maroon and White met each other?", and Mayhew would just appear lol

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Bien sur >:3
Il suit principalement White en lui faisant un grand regard de jugement °^° (White peut légèrement le sentir)
Ou il regarde ses anciens amis crewmates, il vérifie s'ils vont bien.
Et OUI, il sait qui est le deuxième imposteur >:3 il écoute quand lui et White parlent~

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— Diluc

Me desculpem os stans desse homem mas ele sonega imposto sim e ainda defende meritocracia

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