
284 3257

Hadeeeh, gambar apa deh ane...
Efek lagi gak enak badan gomen www😅

2 12

ikutan senin produktif iofi, tapi deadlinenya sampe iofi selesai stream. dan jadinya cuma sampe sketch kedua+perkiraan color, besok lanjutin lagi deh ehe :9

1 10

hmmm i dont know what to draw so... long stick bread it is lol

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1 15

hari ini something... long?
yaaa long enough lah ya X9

80 959

Okay, jokes aside here's a somewhat long Iofi cinnamon Roll

1 26

Theme 5 : Sea
Sorry for late post, inactive bcs of work. Just enjoy <3

21 102

Summer Iofi with floating tube to enjoy the hot sommer in the sea (which I haven't drawn yet0
Let's hope I can finish it before another ioPrompts :')

12 47

iofi show her smug face. heh.

buat minggu ini, temanya sih laut tapi gambarnya dipantai hehehe

22 251

Bingung mau gambar apaan
Well lah, yang penting ada sea nya www
Iofi naik "papan" selancar

22 405

Bikini and sea!!!!
Iofi's boingboing is much bigger than I thought www

26 309

... oh no same ni ki o tsukero!! same same shark!!

20 72

Thank you for coming to Productive Monday this week!

Sampai jumpa senin depan~

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10 37

Productive Mondayのioprompts放送が無くても月曜日なのでやる。

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