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Isabella d'Este, 1500 #leonardodavinci #davinci https://t.co/hQkqwo2RXu
// For Sunday you can get a cute smile from a young Isabella.
She is very excited to read all those books in the background.
The front cover is die-cut so the full image will be revealed upon opening
art by illustrator Isabella Cotier
The second chapter has been reposted! Renowned arcane trackers Lucius and Isabella start their investigation into the gruesome murder of the king. #ArcaneWP
Read it on Wattpad: https://t.co/JfnRdlKmlj
Soul Calibur - Isabella (Ivy) Valentine 🇬🇧 #SoulCalibur #IvyValentine
It's been a while since I've done salsa dancing drawings with Pinstripe and Isabella 🙂 #PinstripePotoroo #IsabellaBandicoot #CrashBandicoot #salsadancing #fanart
@Koopzisabadass hihi, I see that you really like to draw Mermaid Isabella and your original character Maya. I really love your style ^_^
so I wonder how my bandicoot sona Lady Venus would look like in your style? :D
@MHiretsu Oie! Não sei se dá tempo ainda pela quantidade de respostas, mas vou deixar aqui pra caso precisem de alguém em alguma oportunidade futura ❤️ Qualquer coisa só chamar!
💼 https://t.co/RRXte5zZZG
📧 isabellarenata4@gmail.com
@Isabella00089 Edvard Munch - Model 1924 ... Ricambio e grazie Isabella -:)
There is a house with a garden
Floral walls line the trees
In this house where I started
So much pain grew through me🎵
(Isabella is from ValorPunk and belongs to @bigmovingtarget )
Lyrics are from “The Garden” (The Happy Fits)
ISABELLA - Scientist, singer and mysterious...
Light and Dark. Dark and Light.
The essence of every woman.
@Isabella00089 Paul Fischer .... Anche oggi 2°C New York, godi con le fanciulle mare e sole! Buon tutto Isabella -:)
1 de marzo de 1476.
Tiene lugar la Batalla de Toro, enfrentamiento trascendental para la Corona de Castilla, que puso fin a la guerra de sucesión castellana, entre los partidarios de #IsabellaCatólica y los que defendían los derechos sucesorios de Juana "la Beltraneja".
@neobaka Oi pessoal! Tenho muita vontade de fazer trabalhos na produção de assets pra lives e já trabalhei com design de estampas pra camisetas. Se curtirem meu estilo e se encaixar com o que estão procurando, estou à disposição! ❤️
💼 https://t.co/UdRcIEwCLr
📧 isabellarenata4@gmail.com
Hidup Lady Isabella udah tersiksa, jangan kau tambah lagi penderitaannya~
Yuk, ikutin cara-cara Isabella & @kakaoent_pcok untuk mendukung karya Author webtoon favorit kamu dan bergabung menjadi #TeamLegalReaders ya!
#PastiNyamanBacaOfficial #KakaoWebtoonID #JelajahiCeritamu
Assistir My Hero Academia dublado é tipo:
(Dubladora: Isabella Guarnieri)