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It's hard to believe, but @kimdavidsmith has even more muscles than the last time I drew him. #johnmacconnell #mal…
I drew the adorable @paolofanoli last night. #johnmacconnell #malenude #watercolor #painting #uglysweater #cutebum
I hope @joshdgreen's relaxed pose makes Monday a little better for you. #johnmacconnell #malenude #watercolor #pai…
I need to get @taofernandezcaino back so I can do better when he does awesome poses like this. #johnmacconnell #ma…
Rainy spring day in NYC. @joshdgreen knows it's hoodie weather. #johnmacconnell #malenude #watercolor #painting #d…
lukeaustinphotosthe3rd perched. I warned him this wouldn't be easy. #johnmacconnell #malenude #watercolor #paintin…
The handsome micahdix11 looking comfy at the worldstephenf presentation last week. Styled by mr_wein. #johnmacconn…
The handsome alfredosolivan looking quite dapper if I may say so. #johnmacconnell #malenude #watercolor #painting …
The impressive migueliglesias1 behind the scenes at the worldstephenf presentation. #johnmacconnell #stephenf #nyf…
venturafrederico dano3742 joe_bielanski behind the scenes at the worldstephenf #fw15 presentation #johnmacconnell …
The dapper micahdix11 after the worldstephenf presentation, styled by mr_wein #johnmacconnell #stephenf #nyfw #fw15
Some very handsome boys in some very handsome suits at the worldstephenf presentation #johnmacconnell #stephenf #n…
The incredible alexlundqvist1 prepping for the worldstephenf presentation #johnmacconnell #stephenf #nyfw #fw15
Last and my favorite of the sexy @vanvanr #johnmacconnell #malenude #ballpointpen #drawing #watercolor #painting
I was informed this pose was not as comfortable as it looks. Model: the handsome @vanvanr #johnmacconnell #malenud…
Jordan rockin' out with his socks out! #johnmacconnell #malenude #ballpointpen #drawing #watercolor #painting
Bird on a Wire, @richardcortez #johnmacconnell #malenude #ballpointpen #drawing #watercolor #painting