
0 6

Finished the adjustments for this off stream!!!
So I guess its time to rig it soon(After I am done with some commission backlogs) nyaaaa~~~

Flying! Smog! Sting! Steam!

2 19

Forma Cross Saber me lembra as cores, o brilho, faltou só a espada ser parecida de um certo cavaleiro, de uma certa saga filler. Não confirmaram ainda se é a forma final, ou alguma especial, mas está aí!

5 82

Might just be me, but these two just look *extremely* good together on screen. Might just be the usual “red and blue” trope?

0 2

Younger Oogami and Daishinji from kamen rider buster´s manga

3 14

"The saber in your hand....
...Is a pen to write it down!
Words to save this world!"

1 7