kata gwa kalo bajunya pake baju othello lebih bagus si laini aneh ada bapak2 kantoran foto sama singa

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Today's monster is Akantor, introduced in Monster Hunter Freedom 2 on the PSP.

124 1212

The Other Side by Eliran Kantor

275 2070

Day 10: Akantor / Day 11 : Gore Magala / Day 12: Tetsucabra / Day 13: Espinas

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a real quick doodle of Akantor

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Mumpung lagi jam makan siang.
Anak kantoran seringnya nyari makan yang murah, biar gaji sebulan bisa mencukupi kehidupan.

budak startup au (5 tahun dari universe sekarang)

29 69

Aku mikirin orang yang kerja kantoran 9-5 setiap hari duduk😭😭😭 AKU BARU DUDUK BBRPA JAM LABGSUNG ENCOK, PANTATKU MELEPUH

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Day 10: Akantor! Love this guy's big toothy maw, just look at those tusks. Very excited to face both him and Ukanlos in GU soon.

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Here's day 10's Akantor! It looks like a mixture of Godzilla and Gamera and no I will not elaborate

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Day 10
Baby Akantor

Ngl I forgot this monster existed😅. I haven’t actually fought this one before but they look pretty neat. I wanted to draw a little tiny version.

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Kreatorの新譜アートワークはメタル系カバーアート界で今をときめくEliran Kantorですね。今一番の売れっ子じゃないですかね。ロゴの下の横棒が途中で切れてるのも雑誌の表紙みたいで面白い。なんとなく彼が手掛けた作品は、内容も良作が多い気がします。

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Day 10: Akantor

Ever notice how the top of Akantor's head looks a lot like Tigrex's? I thought that was kinda neat.

...yeah I don't have a lot much else to say, it's Akantor. Tomorrow's is gonna be a lot more interesting though.

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Was bored so I decided to do the lineart on that GU Hunter sketch!

120 709

2022: Letter to a Pig. 9/10

Estremecedor corto sobre el Holocausto escrito y dirigido por Tal Kantor, producido por The Hive y , distribuido por . Seleccionado en el .

Crítica y trailer: https://t.co/DnmrnZpMT5

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Temen kantor kalian biasanya ngasih apa nih biar semangat kerja??

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I'm part of !
here's a sneak peak of my piece! can you guess the location?

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“Erebos” by Eliran Kantor

298 2224