늦엇지만 아직 지구어딘가에서는 생일안떠낫어 ㅜ 사랑헌다 생일축하헌다 행복해라ㅜ

115 257

Plan to deliver 4 parts at the beginning but too busy today so ends at 3rd part.. just combine them
Happy birthday Keith!!
So special for him to born in Oct 23rd, the date named 霜降 (Frost’s Descent) in our culture XD

8 14

happy b-day, lovely galra boy!!!!!! we love u baby 🖤❤️

5 17

キースコガネくん誕生日おめでとう!ドーナツ焼く腕はないからありものだよ アルテアの風薫るFoodgooを添えて召し上がれ

147 347

And this is the special present that only Shiro can give to Keith~

Happy birthay again, Keith ~ 💖

25 38


236 733

키스야 많이 행복해야 한다 ㅠ0ㅠ

228 445

Happy birthday to the one and only Leader of Voltron, Keith ❤️❤️❤️ You are loved, always.

144 302

❤️❤️❤️ happy birthday keith!!! you've grown so much!! ❤️❤️❤️

444 858

A bit early, but Happy Birthday Keith! Shiro brought you a tasty (beefy) cupcake for him :) See the link for more action ^^ https://t.co/mf7omQv6OQ

3 5

Wowow! Happy Birthday Keith! ♥️🎊🎂🎊♥️

55 100

It's Keith's first birthday with his mother. Happy Birthday you angel.

5 13