not the happiest with how this came out, but uuh them again lol :)

2 11

hiii this is a kinda old drawing but im rlly proud of it nd wanted to share it hehe :)c im indecisive on lineart colours lol
tags or whatever idk -

3 11

hey whats up its 6am but heres some partially made of spite and partially cuz i just love them :)

3 7

this ones a bit older,,,but they're h*lding h*nds,,,also i gotta say kiibouma if i want people to see this so,,,y'know

1 2

hello nation, have this edit i made a while ago cuz,,, 💘💓💞💘💓them 💘💓💖💕💘
(idk how i should tag this stuff help lmao)

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It's been a while since I've last drawn them. I'm not dead, just swamped with school work! 

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I swapped their colors! I've always wanted to try my hand at this. ✨

14 59

「 D o Y o u M i n d ? 」

Their tender moments are not for your eyes, audience.📹

Haha, I just like drawing masterminds with pink eyes. People are missing out...Lie eyes are great.

9 54

I've shared this on Tumblr already, but not here. Behold the Merman Observation AU. If you like my stuff you can support me on kofi!

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A redrawing of something I drew in 2018 since there's a week on tumblr^^

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Local masterminds flirting in their hideout. Xio & Co requested some mastermind kiibouma. It took me a while to get around drawing it, but here it is!

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// Tw self harm //
I found my old Kiibouma art and they're still kinda cute tbh
One was Hurt/comfort and I forgot what the other one was for

2 22

Fox Ouma and Wolf Kiibo cuddling, as requested by mutsukitty. Sorry I can't tag you for some reason so I'll just hope you can see this. 🦊 x 🐺

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“Geez, this is why I told you not to come pick me up for our date!”

“Wh-- How was I supposed to know that you had a trap set up for intruders!?!?”

10 24


"Ouma-kun, it's dangerous!!!"

I almost forgot it was Cat Day today in Japan. I'm glad I remembered in time! Happy Cat Day!🐱🐱🐱

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Happy Valentine's day!!^^
(The Evolution of my art for Valentine's Day xD)

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Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I was somehow able to draw something on time just for today. Huzzah!

I wrote a simple ficlet in my blog to go with these artworks, please do have a read!

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