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It's chilly out, so don't forget your mittens! Take a look at these cute mittens that Korilakkuma gave to Chairoikoguma!
Me and @SpottyLen have been reading the "Hino-san no Baka" manga for quite a long while and it's sweet
We decided to celebrate Chrimbo and do a collab by drawing the main characters; He did Hino (girl on the left) and mine was Koguma (right)
Merry Xmas to all and good day !
Happy Thanksgiving! Cozy up and relax in your own way today! Rilakkuma and Chairoikoguma are tucking in to some yummy honey today!
We are thankful for all of our fans, and for the warmth and smiles that Rilakkuma and friends bring us! Thank you all for following!
Anime NYC License No.3:
Koguma no Keiki-ya-san (Baby Bear’s Bakery tentative)
by: KamenTotsu
A bear cub runs a cake shop but because he’s just a baby, despite being a master baker, he doesn’t have the best business sense.
Here is some amazing fan art from Uchu Sentai Kyuranger. This features Koguma Skyblue as the civilian Kotaro Sakuma. Have you watched this or any Super Sentai seasons? If so which do you like most? If you haven't watched any, what do you think of this ra… https://t.co/IKJbqz9J6g
ブログを更新しました。【犬漫画】5歳の誕生日はパンケーキアート【犬用ケーキ】https://t.co/tmWVYK6mev #kogumaken_manga #マンガ #エッセイ漫画
ファン文庫4月刊のもう一冊、杉背よい先生( @yoikoguma )の『あやかしだらけの託児所で働くことになりました』のカバーができました!! 素敵なイラストを描いてくださったのは、pon-marshさん( @cupitoa_cielo )です。デザインは、ベイブリッジスタジオ様です!
【コラボ営業もうすぐ終了!】こぐま亭のハローキティコラボ営業は3月31日まで!限定コラボメニューのラーメンやソフトクリーム、カフェラテなどをぜひ、この機会にお召し上がりください!かわいい店内装飾にも注目♡ #こぐま亭 #ハローキティ #北秋田市 #kogumatei #hellokitty #kitaakitacity
【勇・尾】【鯉・月】アクリルキーホルダーkoguma0000 https://t.co/iorkp0JumE #booth_pm 【鯉・月】の方再入荷しました。ご入用の方はどうぞ。 それとお支払い済みの方は発送完了しました。届かない・破損・品が違う等はご連絡下されば対応します〜
【勇・尾】【鯉・月】アクリルキーホルダー | koguma0000 https://t.co/iorkp0JumE #booth_pm
Valentine’s day card of @microbrien and I dressed as kogumachan and korilakkuma eating cashew milk ice cream. i also included the photo i used as inspo
空と海と水着と姉様と私 | nekoguma https://t.co/xtDHbG14LA #booth_pm
1)Ryutaros and Kotaro/ both taro
2) Purple and blue
3) Dragon and bear
4) younger / kid's group
#仮面ライダー電王 #リュウちゃん #kyuranger #koguma
¿Recuerdan que hace poco les presentamos a Koguma-chan? ¡Pues ya hay café temático de nuestros ositos favoritos!