Erend 5C and Kotallo 5H from Horizon <3

8 42

Everyone at the base seeing Kotallo without his face paint on for the first time: *shocked pikachu face*

(Problem with new games is it’s really hard to find ref pics, so forgive the lack of tattoos; next time! I was working off memory as it is X’D)

7 39

throwing up and crying at how good and detailed everyone is what the fuck i keep thinking new tech can't possibly impress me but !! !WHAT!!! (also first one is angela basett!!!) (also kotallo is the new tsundere ldhglsgs yes)

3 57

I'm SOOO happy with these face concepts for Jade in MK12. I imagined her deeply mourning Kotal and adopting some of his style in her look. Outfit design next! :D

0 4

Thanks for an amazing stream tonight! S/o to my new follower and homie for sharing the love <3 I'm SOOO happy with these face concepts for Jade in MK12. I imagined her deeply mourning Kotal and adopting some of his style in her look. Outfit design next!

11 32

Want more proof of NRS's obsession with nostalgia? The only newcomer from the Netherrealm Era that's had an action figure is Kotal Kahn. None of the Kombat Kids, Kronika's group, Erron, Skarlet, D'Vorah, Ferra/Torr, Kollector or Triborg have had one. Just Kotal and the classics.

13 205

Hi I'm Kotaline Jones, and I've worked as a cartoonist, illustrator, and storyboard artist! I'm a flexible artist looking for representation and commercial illustration work. I love quirky, character driven work!

73 165


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1枚目:猫囃子 さん

2枚目:とすとすFスキー さん

3枚目:もびり さん


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