アルフレート・クービン Alfred Kubin のパロディ漫画「ようこそ、クービンランドへ‼︎」の元ネタ一覧

侵入者たち Eindringlinge

誕生の時 Die Stunde der Geburt

恐怖 Das Grausen

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This was supposedly something for Onmyoji Inktober, but I redid this as the original art(the inked one) was scrappy.

Took at least two days to finish this, thought I'm satisfied as he's my favorite shikigami in-game.

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Alfred Kubin died 1959. His work has had a bizarre influence on my writing over the years — his Mythical Animal in particular inspired a somewhat “hallucinatory” piece recently.

Death as a Horseman
The Terror
Mythical Animal
Dream Animal

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Alfred Kubin was born 1877. Besides his own dark art, he also illustrated dark Romantic writers such as ETA Hoffmann and Edgar Allan Poe.

Death as a Horseman
Dream Animal
Mythical Animal
Sea Ghost

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Alfred Kubin died 1959. The first painting is Das Grausen (The Horror). The third is Der Vampyr

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Otakar Kubin- Postava II - Oil on canvas

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First part of an art test I'm working on! Inspired by Alfred Kubin's style (a lot different than my usual stuff too)

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Various flora & fauna for Elizabeth Traynor, , Laszlo Kubinyi, & Andrea Cobb!

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alfred kubin
生年月日: 1877年4月10日
生まれ: チェコ リトムニェジツェ
死没: 1959年8月20日, オーストリア ヴェルンシュタイン・アム・イン
時代・様式: 表現主義、 象徴主義

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alfred kubin 1877-1959 austria/böhmen

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