Color experiment I tried based on this fic: Which, if you're a kuraryou fan, I highly recommend!

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Happy birthday Ryousuke! And since your birthday falls on a ship day enjoy some kuraryou!

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[Daiya no Ace] Kuraryou comic for the great zine Keystone~! It was such a pleasure to work with my friends and with new artists!

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[wip] Preview of my lil comic for the kuraryou zine! Go check it out! PREORDERS ARE STILL OPEN HERE

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i shuld draw kuraryo fam too sometime

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kuraryo son bully misawa's and misawa child play with each other doods i done for today

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mr2 results are out so i can post the kuraryous i drew for our entry!! i'm so proud of our team 💚💖💚💖

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kuraryo kuraroyo kuraryo

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KuraRyou collab with
This is part of a siren AU that we've been talking about 🙌

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since I ended up going with a sakura motif for the kuraryo one I did momiji for miyusawa ^^

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oops and here's my kuraryouexchange piece for sheenaxzelos at tumblr!

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Furuharu&Kuraryo Figure ( ´ ▽ ` )♥

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kuraryou summed up in one screencap

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rpg kuraryous that never got out of my folders RIP

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you got me thinking about some fem!kuraryou (':

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