Weekly Gallary of Kyosai's Art Works No.82  歴史に登場する人物、場面を画題にした版画作品の紹介。この図は『太平記』の場面で、後醍醐天皇が隠岐遠流の途上、美作の院庄に留まった折、児島高徳が桜の幹を削り五言の二句を書き残し後醍醐天皇を励ました。《袖珍 書画家寄書帖》より

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Многие наверное не в теме, он из аниме Доктор Стоун 😐🧡

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Later this painting was purchased by Hosoda Yasubee, and people surprised.
Sadly, Kyosai's artworks hadn't got Japanese people's attention in spite of he has excellent talent and sense of painting. Therefore, most of his artworks were created for exportation.

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In 1881, he exhibited the painting of crow, and it was blamed because he priced it at a high price considering that it is just one crow depicted in the painting. Then Kyosai said. "This price is not for one crow. It is for the time of my painting journey."

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-New item-

Kyosai "Deities Who Are Praying for the Safety of the Sea"

Kyosai entered the school of Kuniyoshi, however, he decided to become a pupil of Maemura Towa, one of the artists from the Kano school, later.

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He's probably one of my favorite character from Dr.Stone,
He's too soft so i wanted to redraw him ✨

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Weekly Gallary of Kyosai's Art Works No.76  “一筆箋 戯画シリーズ”の《提灯に釣鐘》。よく知られた大津絵の画題だが、西遊記の孫悟空に如意棒を天秤棒にして二つを担がせ、見世物で名を馳せた怪力女「淀滝」(1800年代初頭、江戸・浅草)に釣鐘を持ち上げさせたのが暁斎の粋な捻りだ。

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เหมือนสีไม้เลยแฮะ 🤔

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Okay, that took a lot less time than I thought I would, although 3 hours does seem like a lot when said aloud. (sorry I have to reupload, I forgot the tags :p) I hope ya like it :)

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Weekly Gallary of Kyosai's Art Works No.69  《鍾馗と鬼戯れ之図》は衣の裾を掴み引きずり降ろそうとする鍾馗と梅の幹にしがみつき抵抗する鬼を描く。剣で直ぐに退治できる鬼を梅の花弁が散るほど幹を揺っている鍾馗。本来鍾馗が成敗すべき鬼をその遊び相手として描く暁斎特有の戯画。

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UKYO'S FIRST INSTA POST (@/officalukyosaionji in insta)

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Weekly Gallary of Kyosai's Art Works No.65  明治14年の内国勧業博覧会で最高賞を獲得した暁斎の《枯木寒鴉図》は百円の高額で売れ、以来鴉図の注文が多くあった。版画にも様々な鴉が描かれたが、団扇絵《雪衣鴉図》は夏用の団扇に雪の衣を纏い、積雪の松の枝に止る鴉を描く珍しい作。

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Skull and Lizard / Drawing by Kawanabe Kyosai
Designed by Kouemon
Product ID : 001-0120
Royalty Free

"ai files" (vector illustration graphic art design format) and PNG are US$5.00.
You can freely customize the original illustrator file (AI and PNG files) which are created …

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Weekly Gallary of Kyosai's Art Works No.59  海中に住み酒を好む、童顔、赤顔、赤頭の動物とされる猩々が登場する能「猩々」は祝いや親孝行が主題。《猩々図》は、日輪を思わせる巨大な杯を煽り酒を飲む童顔、赤頭の猩々と長寿の象徴である蓑亀が描かれた目出度さ満載の楽しい作品だ。

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紙本 明治時代 19世紀

Kawanabe Kyosai
color on paper, 19th Century

Happy New Year!

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A man dancing on a skull / Drawing by Kawanabe Kyosai
Designed by Kouemon
Product ID : 001-0120
Royalty Free

"ai files" (vector illustration graphic art design format) and PNG are US$5.00.
You can freely customize the original illustrator file (AI and PNG files) which are …

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Weekly Gallary of Kyosai's Art Works 臨時6号  東京ステーションギャラリーで「河鍋暁斎の底力」展スタート(~2021年2月7日)。河鍋暁斎記念美術館設立の原点である河鍋家伝来の下絵・画稿を中心に絵手本等も含め、暁斎の筆遣いの息吹を間近に体感してみてはいかが。画像は同展チラシ。

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