YES! - I had not made that connection, but you're so right.
A number of their works seem to reference older paintings - I think its the 'Epic' of them. Weirdly I see Delacroix when I look at this one...

0 3

Eugène Delacroix, The Giaour on Horseback (recto); Study of a Woman with Head and Arms Thrown Back, and Study of the Head of an Old Man (verso)., 1824–26

1 6

최종 수정해서 나온 캐릭터

Genshin OC (Isabelle Lacroix)

3 7

Eugène Delacroix, Illustrations for Faust: Méphistophélés in the air, 1828

2 7

Eugène Delacroix
Flower Bed with Hydrangeas, Scillas, and Anemones

6 26

●Eugene Delacroix
<ウジェーヌ ドラクロワ>

◎La liberte guidant le peuple

フランスのシンボル マリアンヌの姿を描いた


4 265

Eugène Delacroix, Hamlet and Horatio Before the Grave Diggers, 1843

1 4