>mfw the Right-Wing and Leftist make a similar take on the same topic

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kunihiko ikuhara - i love ikuhara's brutal takedowns of systems of oppression in a visual language that is both derived from a rich history of surrealist leftist cinema and contemporary anime aesthetics to create something truly unique to his works

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Perhaps not entirely leftist but a good case for cancelling something completely failing: Sword Art Online.

SAO's name has been permanently stained in the western community by elitists and wokies. In fact Kirito's design is smeared. But this series gets sequels and spinoffs-

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Commie leftists don't like it when democracy goes the way it's supposed to.

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I love that once again a "centrist" (Leftist) thinks I'm with the Right for simply saying that the Centre are wrong.

No man, I'm an Accelerationist. I think the Left Right and Centre are all as stupid as each other and I'm trying to help things along to the inevitable conclusion

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Hi, we are Genderverse Furries!

💜 We're a support and social group for trans, nonbinary and gender non-conforming furries
❤️ We accept members from all over the world!
💕 We accept minors 13+
💖 We're leftist/anti-oppression
👋 We'd love to have you join our family!

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Do NOT trust the LEFTIST MOB The Queen is in Perfect health!

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hey, edgier leftists ~dunking~ on AOC rightfully pointing out the creepily sexual obsession rightists have with her:

this has been an open secret for literal years.

here's just *one* man's (extremely popular!) open fantasizing.

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“Leftists have an in-group cult sexuality where they reward correct thinking with communal ogre p*ssy”

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Contrast with the leftist character that was created as the "voice of reason" only to be the most hated of the characters.

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So I guess Char's Counterattack discourse is happening again on Gundam Twitter. At the risk of ruining my Saturday night, I present to you


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re-watching hilda, since the movie drops in a month, and all i want in life is to be this grumpy witch librarian who helps radicalise a bunch of neurodivergent leftist kids

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Every year, I get a little happier knowing that when I eat turkey with my family, a Leftist cries because outrage.

This holiday, enjoy the time with your family and especially the turkey.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! https://t.co/ObDdR1aLB8

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One time a leftist sent me this! What does it even mean ?

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Defund the police! Free college! Cancel George Washington! Pack the court! Radical leftists have seized control of the Democratic party.

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Me: Oh yeah, I'm a leftist and political streamer
Person: Oh, have you heard of -insert politics man here-? I'm a -insert complicated political description-
Me: Mhm... mhm... yeah I know... what that is...

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responses so sad yet hilarious. these “progressive” donators were thoroughly warned about electoral politics (especially Bernie’s sheepdogging) by actual leftists & got fleeced anyway.
another savior will be sold & I’m sure they will again, all be buying :/ https://t.co/swu4U0LBWG

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