Forgot to post but! raffle prize for !! Akaashi is so pretty <33

4 23

If this is anything short of a wholesome slice of life, I’m going to yeet this faster than redo of healer. Believe me, I had no patience for that catastrophe.

1 0


To enter:
Like and rt!
follow me (optional but more chance)
Comment your oc!

Ends on November 30!

25 46

How I soothe my heart when life kicks me hard: THIS BOOK. SAVED ME. MORE TIMES. THAT I CAN COUNT ✨✨✨ I'm in debt with a book yes, someday I will illustrate it and NO ONE WILL STOP MEEE (even my impostor syndrome brain worm sobs)

5 11

Finished raffle prize for !

Thank you everyone for participating! Up to another follower milestone ✨

3 17

Finished headshot prizes for the two raffle prize winners! They were really fun to draw out!

12 33

75 page
Wow comic, 2 months later wow
I'm planning to change the page release system so that I don't get late and tired. Maybe if I notice your interest and asset, I will post comics more often

0 3

/✨/ Second artraffle price done /✨/
Character belongs to

2 13

Rules in 2nd slide
Deadline:Nov 12
Welcome to my 1st ruffle
I'm really thankful for all the support thanks for 100 follows🎃

19 25