Hello, I’m Lily! I am a visual development, illustrator, and production artist. I enjoy using lighting and color to portray wonder and making detailed handmade items
⭐️ https://t.co/JTnjqYR4Mt
⭐️ https://t.co/8GCCPk9rzY
⭐️ https://t.co/H3tLa7nT2Y
📧 lilylionheartdraws.com

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R is for Ronan Lynch! He came out a little more spooky looking than I originally intended 😅chainsaw’s cute though 🥰#theravencycle

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I am still continuing my efforts by using my skills to help raise donations for the LGBTQ Freedom Fund.
100% of profits from paid commissions will be donated.
If interested,please email me lilylionheartdraws.com for details.

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Remember when Gansey had a minor identity crisis after Blue roasted his shoe game? pepperidge farm remembers..😆😆#theravencycle

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【イラスト】LilyLilyRose(みぶなつき) 大阪コミックトレジャー34同人誌セット購入特典ポストカードイラスト https://t.co/cqNVxdoV6C

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“Adam smiled cheerily. Ronan would start wars and burn cities for that true smile, elastic and amiable.”
- the raven king

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A Ronan and Adam sketch from The Raven Cycle by ! I loved how much mirth Ronan had the whole time and Adam's routine safety checks before the 'trip'. 🤣#theravencycle

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sketch of Gansey from TRC, I'm on book 3 btw.

I first wanted to put Gansey in his usual hellish polo shirt but I stopped myself in time,

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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of Temmie.
Featuring as Lilylinkchu and as Sleightlyzelda

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lilylily のあさみん が描いてくれましたーーーー🐰💓

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COMIC☆1(4/30 於、東京ビッグサイト)あ10「LilyLilyRose*偽住所不定」にてみぶなつきさん()と合同サークルで参加いたします。

517 1372

【新連載スタート】「Lily lily rose」(紺野キタ著)第1話公開! 美しい庭のある屋敷で、閉ざされた少女の心に光が差す――。優しさ溢れるファンタジックストーリー開幕! https://t.co/eQziFApMBq 

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LilyLilyRose 씨의 트윗을 보고 의식의 흐름을 정리.

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明日の砲雷撃戦よーい!23 LilyLilyRose「J-16」お品書きです。

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 12月31日「東シ-52a LilyLilyRose」です!(._.)

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コミケットスペシャル(1日目:3月28日、A-21b LilyLilyRose)の新刊です。「冴えない彼女の育てかた」本で村様との合同誌となります。よろしくお願いいたします。クリヤファイル2個付き!

277 553

【告知】コミケット87(12月30日 東A-56a LilyLilyRose)にて叢雲等身大タペストリー第2弾を頒布します!大きさ1930×600mm よろしくお願いいたします!

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