Oi, eu sou a Litt. Uma artista pequena ainda, tenho dezoito aninhos e tudo isso ainda é bem novo para mim. Então eu tô aceitando qualquer ajuda e qualquer tipo de divulgação.

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Oi, eu sou a Litt. Uma artista pequena ainda, tenho dezoito aninhos e tudo isso ainda é bem novo para mim. Então eu tô aceitando qualquer ajuda e qualquer tipo de divulgação.

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Oi, eu sou a Litt. Uma artista pequena ainda, e tô aceitando qualquer ajuda e qualquer tipo de divulgação.

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Oi, eu sou a Litt. Uma artista pequena ainda, e tô aceitando qualquer ajuda e qualquer tipo de divulgação.

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Oi, eu sou a Litt. Uma artista pequena ainda, e tô aceitando qualquer ajuda e qualquer tipo de divulgação. Aqui umas pessoas que eu admiro um bocado:

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🌸 Nickname: Litt, Foxxo
👀 First Impression: Adorable Foxxo
💙 Current Impression: Adorable, Smartass Foxxo that I would share nuggies and cookies w/ every day
🤔 How Close Are We (1-10): 7
⭐️ We Should: Share Nuggies & Cookies
🦊 Should You Post This On Your Page: If ya wanna~!

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2022-04-05 02:00:01.545367
Image Source: Pixiv
Artist: litt
Image: https://t.co/4MYHc2uZlo

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2022-04-04 08:00:01.943916
Image Source: Pixiv
Artist: litt
Image: https://t.co/4MYHc2uZlo

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Unveiling More Litt Deers!!
Meet Tony and Vale, Some of our latest additions to our new Editions of SmolDeers!
We have so Much in store for this community and We'd Be making some announcements soon.

🚨40WL spots Givaway
-Tag 3 friends and

48 HRS

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hola soy litt
oxes bueno chau

2 12

! All I really did! W as, chan ge the o u tfit a litt le, and. give alt jewel ery, but I',m happ y with it ! I thi nk the y lo,ok cool.

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Oi eu sou a Litt, eu desenho a alguns anos e postava na rede social vizinha, mas recentemente tive coragem de abrir uma conta aqui. Estou bem no comecinho de tudo, espero que gostem dos meus tracinhos ksksksk

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its ok to be a litt,le stupid ❤ not knowwhats going on ❤

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Hi! I'm Litt, a new vtuber! I live a degen / neet life.. I've been trying to learn chinese, then smoking and drinking enough to forget anything I've learned. i cant ever find my lighters. I play league, survival games, and really anything not fps. I'd love some friends!

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Hi! I'm Litt, a new vtuber! I existed before the internet. Bored with my degen neet life.. I've been trying to learn chinese, then smoking and drinking enough to forget anything I've learned. I play league, survival games, and really anything not fps. I'd love some friends!

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Disse tre sidene av Soppen Sondre tegnet jeg i høst før Meta-greiene til Facebook. Temaet skulle være "Sosiale medier", og jeg ville bare lage noe mer visuelt enn bare en som sitter foran en PC.
Er sjelden profetisk men jeg føler for å skryte litt når jeg først føler jeg treffer.

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2022-02-17 19:00:02.354567
Image Source: Pixiv
Artist: litt
Image: https://t.co/4MYHc2uZlo

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i made a litt edit meme

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Familieslips (2016)
Nok en finaleplass i Dagbladet-konken.

Jeg prøvde ikke å gjøre et vinnerbidrag her, jeg ville bare ha det gøy i en hektisk flytteperiode. Ble en serie med dead baby-jokes, men jeg prøvde å variere vitsene litt også.
Sort humor påkreves

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Monday means babysitting wen my sis came home i did a litt something lik glued that tongue in an painted that beak that the bleep is pinker as the art doesn’t matter as long i get the fur an eyes right am happy

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