More smol beans to add to my Shen Qingqiu one ^-^ So cute I love them <3

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[#svsss ]

I tried to visualized how would Shen Qingqiu's and Liu Qingge's child would look like :D

3 13

"The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System" inspiring me to make fanart for the first time in years... Liu Qingge...

4 36

shen qing qiu looks just like a dream
the prettiest boy liu qingge has ever seen

quick and soft liushen bc i love them 💔

16 61

Because I did way more research into ancient chinese underwear than I ever expected and I’m making it everyone else’s problem

I am weak to men with beauty marks 😩

With and without whatever beast he slew to give his Shen-shixiong

35 100

They are precious 🥹 whatever their relationship is, everyone deserves a Liu Qingge 😭❤️

(It was supposed to be a rough sketch for Vivid who I'm commissioning but I escalated a little...)

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I'm not prolly gonna finish this but, courtesan!jiu & prince!liu,,,

9 49

I've been thinking about Liu Qingge and his five years long battle against Luo Binghe for Shen qingqiu's body. And I wanted to see him battle weary, bloody in an armor. Do cultivators even wear armor ?
First time drawing armor, it shows

3 28

знов старе!
льовбінцьови, які влаштували собі день спа, загрнулись у пледики та дивляться разом систему - мій хедканон до кінця життя🫴💖

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