Sad to hear that passed. 100% one of my first crushes during my childhood. What a legend. I drew this to commemorate her timeless character, Sandy.

2 23

I had SUCH an intense crush on Olivia Newton John growing up. So angelic…

2 3

(I’ve seen Grease SO many times)

10 41

さよなら、オリビア・ニュートンジョンさん 堀ちえみドラマの”愛は眠らない~はああん♪”が頭に流れる。Have You Never Been Mellowを「その風の誘惑」と訳すのがすごいよね。乳がんで死去。がん啓発のために力を注いだ。さらには大麻はいいぞ運動。#似顔絵 

3 21

オリビア・ニュートン・ジョン逝く…( ノД`)…

3 11

Ok necesitaba leer esto 💗🥹

184 911

I’m devastated to hear of the passing of Olivia Newton-John. It doesn’t feel real. RIP

18 82

Un recordatorio de cómo las revistas Cracked y Crazy se pisaron el gag s/ en las de dic 78


0 0

Thank you Olivia for your contribution to life. You were a legend and you will be missed. Rest In Peace Queen.

4 20

OoO ocs. All of them are from the Incan pantheon.

left is Miro. Bolivian. He/him. Son of Pachamama (Mother Earth)
top right is Calypso. Chilean. She/her. Daughter of Mama Qucha (Sea goddess)
bottom right is Iskay. Peruvian. They/them. Child of Inti (Sun god)

0 4

"Phosphophyllite, Bolivian God"
"Erythrite, Morrocan God"

13 78

DIABLESAAA de la Diablada Boliviana
Es el primer collab en el que participo aaah
Grandeeee <33
Con esto reviví después de estar perdida por meses jjssjaksjsk

4 26


2 15