tried some fun stuff with redson’s hair :•]

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New kinsona just dropped LMAO
yep, Red Son wasn't safe for long from this, just took a bit to find a design i liked

1 13

I freaking love this au I thought up of early in the morning (like 12 am or sum)
[imma make a hashtag for it so i can easily see my older art lmao]

1 8

Have a Red Boy cause this show continues to live in my head rent free ovo

8 19

Hi I actually hate this drawing with a burning passion. But I spent close to 9h on it so I cannot bear to just delete it or leave it unfinished. Here’s some angst? Gonna go draw some screen caps now WEE

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*Trips and my head canons fall out of my bag and spill everywhere* Ah god oh fuck god damnit-

1 11