I drew some PVs and Boxys in dresses because... well.. I wanted to and it’s comforting lol
all of these are dresses I’ve worn at some point or another (please just imagine them hand in hand, dancing around and having fun)

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Como ya es tradición después de mucho tiempo sin dibujar, retomo con la OTP

3 21

When your snake husband is cold, you *have* to hold him
(aka ven acting sweet but he’s really just there to steal Boxys body heat)

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It’s 4am but I had to christen my new tablet w/ some voxman (and more glowy hearts, they seem to follow these two around)
PV overworked himself & was cranky, and he specifically told Boxy “no naps” but Yknow... oops

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i- it looks different from my previous drawings hmm got a proper background

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Evil dads who adore their baby! uwu BV doesn't understand nothing, yet, but he feels loved💖 Sabe que sus papás lo aman pero sin realmente saberlo (?) xD

3 21

PV can't say "No" yet to his adorable baby.
Box fears something will happen to BV about it, and worries that him husband will pamper baby too much. =w=UU

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Sorry y'all…I Amn just…a litle voxman shipper. Thatse It. I Canot change this

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