Anyone want a same-day fullbody for $20 i got fucked over by lyft and need to get home

11 6

"No... *hic* YOU were shupposed to call the *hic* space lyft!

You've got robots circuits in yer... in yer... you've got robot brainsh!"

Vyvy and Qwerty

On Kickstarter now

2 7

OK SO semi emergency, anyone interested in a $20 colored sketch?? Paypal only & upfront Lyft fucked me over.

11 21

Experience the new way to travel when you take a Lyft to First Friday! New users, use code “FIRSTFRIDAYLV”.

4 3

Coming from the suburbs? Grab your friends & split a Lyft on Friday night!

3 2

Uber & Lyft might be sidelined in Austin due to compliance laws, but the Rickshaw is still available.

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