초고교급 행운, 이와다 히루토

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気がつけば、今日で11月も終わり、明日から12月が始まりますね❣️(* 'ω' *)

本日の看板娘はMauve×Pale TurquoiseのPatched Dolls#270です🧸💕

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bonus : juste mon monstersona sans le filtre mauve de la nuit

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Blazing sunsets from my new balcony turn the horizon line to glow gold and yellow with a touch of pinks & mauve

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We Stan mauve purple Bugs here in this house

I love the color design in S1

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Mauve holds up a magic ward

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AYOOO I'm Mauve, I make art, and I am reaching for 850!

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Mauve My lady.. My queeen!!

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And a little change in Nowell and Mauve (hair colors)

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Digital Art - Mauve Fullbody

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Rencana desain si kembar. Anyway adikku ngasi saran warna rambut pink dan aku susah banget nemu warna pink yang cocok gitu. Warna pink mereka ini kayanya lebih ke Coral atau Mauve(?) deh

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Decided on mauve-pink and blue-purples!
She is 💲8️⃣0️⃣
2️⃣ color pallettes for the second gorl! Also 💲8️⃣0️⃣
Dm or comment to claim!

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Ok, now it’s Mauve time to say a for real hi! ^^)

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Digital Pony Art - Mauve Headshot

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2022-10-24 00:00:02.182799
Image Source: Pixiv
Artist: Mauve
Image: https://t.co/6ObTmepyNH

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