Day 21 - Dittea

Another Nilean among many, Dittea is a Planet Watcher assigned to the planet Gorgon. Same one Demasu lives in. She mostly focus on fashion.

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Dia 20 de
Y pal traje de rana traje a mi niña rana "Kaeru"
Mi idea inicial era la amiga tóxica pero la cambie a la aloga que dice lo que piensa y termina lastimando a la gente por error

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Day 20 is here!! This outfit is one of the ones that made me want to do this whole thing in the first place! Thank you @/inkhandprint for such a fun and diverse set to keep my inspo flowing!

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alright day 19! just having a dancy dance today :D. It's very pink lolol.

(challenge taken together with

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Day 20 of featuring my Stardew Valley farmer! Don't ask me about the pose cause I don't know either.

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day 18's magical girl is here!~ Ive been getting through somewhat steadily! On to the next one! (Also show 's most recent one some love!~)

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Dia 19 de
En este caso es mi niña de fuego "Aria" y su prometido "Clouwer"
Aria es parte de la zona ignea :3
Ahora que lo pienso son mi única pareja protagónica que están casados jaja
Son la pareja más melosa, más cursis que he hecho jaja

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Day 19 da da dan done!! Not gonna lie this is a lot of fucking pink.. Streaming every day!

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I’m still playing catch up man I love my oc she’s so pretty hope y’all like it

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