New avatar time! It's me as Warlord was one of my first "He-Man Guys" when I was but a wee kiddo!

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New avatar time... it's Wendy, Marvin, and Wonder Dog! Wonder Twin Powers acti-wait a second...

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New avatar... thanks to for suggesting (although, technically every avatar could've been Clayface all along)

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New Avatar time! For April, my will be Only the greatest Batman villain EVAH!

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It's new avatar time! This time, it's Mad Hatter (#Batman66 style!)

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New avatar! You want obscure? How about DC Romance comics obscure? Oh yeah, it's me as Scooter!

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New Avatar time! I know I've been a little Superman heavy with these lately, but it's

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Time for a new avatar... it's a self-portait as and Get the Big Red Cheese!

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A new month is ending- so it's time for a new Avatar! This time, it's giant ape, ook ook eek eek!

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Time for a new avatar! I haven't done myself as a whole team in a while, so this month it's me as

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Drew a new avatar... it's me as Granny Goodness. I'm so sorry.

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It's New Avatar Day for me! It's I'm Minnesotan, seems about right.

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