画質 高画質

(MIRROR No.004 Hologram/DOMINANT INDUSTRY、極光/SALOR、cobtact bechori/Tono&Lims、ラピスラズリの静謐/kobeINK物語)

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☾• Mic estilo !!! Q coisinha mais fofa💖 assim q vi o design dela achei q ficaria fofíssimo um miczinho hehhehheheh 💖💖

☾• Lembrando terminando tds eu vou disponibilizar uma pasta do drive com tds em png transparente 💖 https://t.co/ZrjLLKwRZc

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Y para agregar
Black Hat es un Edgelord aburrido y sobrevalorado 🥱
A Michellee la detesto cómo personaje en general pero adoro su arco de mamá con E.B
Abe es el estereotipo de Incel actual, todos lo terminan odiando al final
Estricto es literalmente este emoji☝️🤓

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The Sinner's Prayer

This painting is composed of bright vibrant and saturated colors. The dominant colors are orange, blue and purple. The lighting is shadowy and dim but gives enough spotlight on the character in the drawing. This form of painting is called expressionism. 🧵

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Una pequeña y corta viñeta de la en sus dos versiones una donde le dicen sumisa y otra donde le terminan diciendo dominante.

62 1228

terminando esse trio e desse vez pra largar o diabo do osso de vez!!!!

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This is better visible in the example when a warm color is opposed to a cool one, for example, red and green-blue.

When working with this scheme, you need to choose one dominant color and then a complementary color for accents.

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Primaria/terminando secundaria-✨

Si, cuando era más chico era negro-
Aveces me regresa el color cuando el sol me pega fuerte- https://t.co/jo6eGdNZru

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UW AU where Azulin slowly but successfully takes control of the formless being that devoured him.
he finds that time has passed and bearkind has advanced, but theyve grown weak and soft. he uses his gained power to assert dominance through new wars

22 381

Tengo 3 hrs para entregar tareas y me siento super mal porque estuve 2 hrs caminando bajo el sol pipipi espero mañana amanecer mejor porque quiero hacer la clase de dibujo en directooooooo

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Voy a estar terminando este Rubegetta mientras lloro por el Spiderbear alkdjals


24 1033

ocsona cha, nama lengkap masih disamarkan tapi pokoknya ada

took me a while to decide on eyes colour, awalnya biru. warna rambut awalnya ungu ngejreng juga. but im finally sastified 😭 desainnya sengaja sederhana krn cerminan irl dan supaya gampang gambarnya https://t.co/prZR5y4V7a

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"Si chiama spirito libero colui
che pensa diversamente da come,
in base alla sua origine,al suo
ambiente,al suo stato e ufficio
o in base alle opinioni dominanti
del tempo,ci si aspetterebbe che
egli pensasse."

Friedrich Nietzsche

Annibale Carracci
Ercole al bivio

101 147


Nama Pena : Maura Naia

Komentar juri:
"Ini cerminan tipikal debat mendang-mending media low skill floor vs high skill ceiling 😆 Idenya oke, warnanya cakep." - Ala

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What happens when 2 gremlins do an art trade?

I make you assert dominance by T-posing.
My Portion [Left] ➡️ 's Portion [Right]

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Final Fantasy XVI Titan dominant Hugo Kupka fanart 2.0

189 793

Wow Nou! Terminando de ver el resumen puse a prueba las clases e hice este dibujito! Muchas gracias por compartir esto con nosotros ❤️

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