Gmbr bulan lalu, versi g ada tulisan hbd ny (╥﹏╥) gua kngn gmbr tp gua mls gmbr atau nyri referensi 👍 pdhl muk gmbr Ran-chan (╥﹏╥)

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hi ini ril, y tpi gw mls ngtik pnjang krna kl flop sm aj boong. intiny tmenan sm gw ygy 😎😎☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻 untk carrd ad disini []

15 7

Always dressed up properly and elegantly, not sexualized and yet very hot 💅

I want more MLs like this

7 50

They be putting all the newest popular shojo mls and no sight of itsuomi, do one that's paying dessert's magazine bills,yall are going to hell

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My standards for modern mls rising cause of him

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HE IS THE NEW STANDARD! Another ml being added to the best mls list

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Pls ni gambar ckp tp w mls ngelanjutin TT

0 8

Some newer shoujo romcoms i really like... really love this newer trend of cuter MLs, my type aaa

2 5

Ah yes, it’s all coming along nicely. Now for the other characters, MLs and such. Hehehehe~

5 35

I’m so weak, you can’t just go and make Baby!Gabriel so damn cute

4 37

The way anniversary is approaching means...

- Personal Story Ep 4 coming
- Walk around the cities & weekly quests
- New furniture set & anni cards
- Cute quizzes with MLs & the realization that the MLs age w/ you
- The dreadful poker game - the ultimate test of luck

and more!

97 683

There is something about stories where the Isekai-ed Villainess has the original story FL fall in love with her instead of the bland MLs that is just **Chef kiss!* (Sadly beside "I'm in love with a villainess", those all end up with guys....")

7 81

both joseph and erez are the mls i accept no arguments 😁✌️

51 376

starting off strong w noah wynknight bc he is the blueprint he paved the way for isekai manhwa mls no one can top him i fear!

1 7

When they'll stop make the fathers hotter than the mls....

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mfw I arrive home from a trade union branch committee meeting both myself and my husband are officers in to find chronically online MLs taking digs at furries for how they express themselves in their actual activism.

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tinggal shading tp ko mls bgt yh nder

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