I'm considering starting commissions soon but I don't really know if my art is even that monetizable

1 9

Últimamente estoy haciendo directos también en tiktok, y, me está yendo bastante bien, en menos de una semana he monetizado mas que en los últimos meses xD
Un loco me ha mandado 20$ y no estaba ni en mi propio directo...🐻‍❄️🤙✨

0 7

¿Le dedicas mucho tiempo a Twitter, pero no le estás sacando provecho económico?

No te preocupes, porque hoy te enseñaré 8 PLATAFORMAS dónde puedes VENDER tus tweets y monetizar tu cuenta.

Sale hilo 🧵🧵🧵

104 224

Genuinely would love to jump in and try again, but I honestly can't even pretend the amount of issues the game and the monetization have at this moment.

The €11,- might be worth it once the tick system is not as bad as it is + when you all add Rune Metrics to the base sub.

0 1


Todos los Cid de las entregas numeradas se vienen al canal.

Youtube no me ha dejado monetizar el video así que si lo compartís y reventáis el botón de LIKE me haríais un favor. No por el dinero sino por el posicionamiento.

➡️Domingo a las 22:00

Cuál es tu favorito??🤔🤔🤔

8 43

If you're interested, Cohost does actually have a monetization feature in the form of a $5/month subscription that lets you post higher-rez stuff and will give you more functionality in the future. I made my own version of this graphic because I am an irredeemable shithead

8 48

um dia irei criar um canal no youtube para monetizar em cima do que sei fazer de melhor: reclamar

2 4

I definitely did not spend all night hunting for panties leading me to oversleep and now panicking cuz I'm still setting up everything



6 89

Monetization features get!

0 4

I'm sick so I'm in the couch with mobile games and Dislyte has understood the assignment. Don't play if you're allergic to mobile monetization tho

0 12

Catching up on how horrible the monetization for Diablo Immortal really just reminds me of this one line from an ancient Penny Arcade comic.

It's... it's really not that far off, huh?

4 27

Hey Blizz! I found a new name for DIABLO IMMORTAL!💥💢 I feel bad for the game developers & creative department...🤢 Great ART ruined by corporate GREED! 💵💰

0 4




Thanks for the stream & YouTube monetization!!!

Come Friday, when we get 1,000 comments, we'll do an immediate close, so come on! https://t.co/8ONVTWKkOL

103 525

Más de 700 vídeos subidos al canal de gameplays y JAMÁS me han desmonetizado un vídeo en todo el año que llevo subiendo contenido aquí.


2 101

!Alpha: YouTube is launching new version of creator tools to expand monetization, allowing creators to sell content as NFTs so fans can "own" videos. It’s unclear to the 🍌🐀 how this affects video copyright.

The 🍌🐀 has spoken.

2 17

Gamerturk's Book Club for Moon Cradle (both v19 & 20) early audio release is available for Patrons: https://t.co/dTLZLxxKSs
Video will have a Patreon release next week. Not publishing on until my monetization is returned whenever they fix their mistakes.

8 85

Also alguém sabe me dizer se colocar isso na thumb dá problema? Desmonetização e tals https://t.co/xQ9vlZzVl4

1 18