【ストーリー】 警戒し、だが好奇心に突き動かされ、ビビアンはテゼレットに同行する。そして彼女が対面したのは、酷い傷を負いながらもこの次元にやって来た怪物だった。 『ニューカペナの街角 サイドストーリー:自由の側』 https://t.co/Xq9PmRgkl4

227 214

Anhelo: So, how do I look?!
Xander: Like a slut.
Anhelo: Thank you! That's what I was going for!

25 393


38 109

Maestros Charm, and some of the sketch concepts. Art Director and overall awesome superhuman Cynthia Sheppard and I discussed a number of ways to portray the charms. Ultimately we wanted the fantastic design of the logos to be the star.

7 41

"The Maestros have held onto our influence for far too long to let it go now."

63 700

In light of her latest piece for being so amazing, this is just a humble appreciation post for fellow Brazilian and amazing artist

Truly gorgeous pieces.

25 208

Such a good day!

Released a new ep, new fiction and just finished recording a future ep with one of the most prominent voices in the game, and it's about a shared favourite Story!

(Guess the subject of our next Book Club 👇)


2 18

And oh boy does the side story have a lot of art

4 56

Art for the new story looking mad gorgeous!

33 259

Join us every Friday at 5:00 PM for weekly at Games of Berkeley!

The most popular format is Commander but anything goes, so bring a couple decks and have fun!

2 2

What’s that? Rhox are back in Just so happens I love Rhox.

2 25

Me ha hecho mucha gracia los emotes que estoy haciendo para jajaja no puedo evitar compartirlos antes de terminarlos.

0 4

Also, while I am one this, here is the other...I believe crime bosses of Spoiled by WPN marketing material. https://t.co/j8zhuoVp7c

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