Dropped this on to represent

Fioristic Art 15: Harmony with nature: Let's design a life that creates a balance and harmony with nature.


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Dropped this on to represent

Fioristic Art 15: Harmony with nature: Let's design a life that creates a balance and harmony with nature.


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Dropped this on to represent

Fioristic Art 15: Harmony with nature: Let's design a life that creates a balance and harmony with nature.


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Dropped this on to represent Party popperGlowing star

Fioristic Art 15: Harmony with nature: Let's design a life that creates a balance and harmony with nature./


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1/2 🌟🎉 Dropped this on to represent 🎉🌟


Concept behind the art👇

Fioristic Art 15: Harmony with nature: Let's design a life that creates a balance and harmony with nature.

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Thomas Rowlandson, Rowlandson's Sketches from Nature: Fowey, Cornwall, 1809 https://t.co/Xgbo0E7swm

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Route 222: Purugly ♀️
Name: Mitzi
Nature: Hasty
Ability: own tempo

And I finally found a thunder stone!
right before the last gym!

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Route 217: Snover ♀️
Name: Bianca
Nature: Mild
Ability: Snow warning

Acuity Lakefront: Sneasel ♂️
Name: Eugene
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Inner Focus

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My dream came true!
Route 221: Shellos ♀️
Name: Puddles
Nature: Calm
Ability: Storm Drain

I like Blue Shellos better but I won't complain.

oh, and she evolved.

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Twinleaf town: Psyduck♀️
Name: Molly
Nature: Gentle
Ability: Damp

and... death 3 - Jeremiah
I was training him against some random trainers and a Gastrodon absolutely bodied him!!!
I was sad but I remembered who the BEST water ground type really is!!! I WANT ONE!!!

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Trophy garden: Pikachu ♀️
Name: Mira
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Static

I spent an unhealthy amount of time in the underground trying to find a thunder stone. did not find one.

and Apollo is now worthy of his name.

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Jeremiah is a good boy and evolved. If Hopkins ever dies, he is going on the team.

Route 212: Budew ♂️
Name: Julian
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Natural cure

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Happiny shoved a rock into her cooch and evolved.

Valor lakefront: Girafarig♀️
Name: Gracie
Nature: Hardy
Ability: Inner focus

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Route 209: Bonsly♀️
Name: Coco
Nature: Careful
Ability: Rock head

Finally found a fossil undergrownd:
Oreburg City: Shieldon♀️
Name: Rhonda
Nature: Timid
Ability: Sturdy

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death 2 - Lucky
it died to a Mime Jr. of all things... I was leveling him up and I thought he could take on a shitty Mime Jr.

And EGG hatched:
Hearthome city: Happiny♀️
Name: Merengue
Nature: Quirky
Ability: Serene grace

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Mount Coronet: Meditite ♂️
Name: Poncho
Nature: Serious
Ability: Pure power

route 208 - Psyduck died to a crit.
route 209 - didn't find a new mon yes. Dupes Clause.

Route 210: Ponyta ♀️
Name: Victoria
Nature: Careful
Ability: Flash fire

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Renée evolved and I'm very surprised, I never used geodude before, it's quite good.

then, I remembered the old Chateau and went back to get me a mon.

Old Chateau: Gastly ♂️
Name: Lucky
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Levitate

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Hopkins evolved and now I have a killing machine with intimidate!

btw, I didn't catch anything on route 211 and 206 because Celeste likes crits.

Wayward cave: Bronzor (Gible spawns here btw...)
Name: Clay
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Levitate

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Flora evolved.

Route 205: Pachirisu (I REALLY wanted a Shellos...)
Name: Tasha
Nature: Lax
Ability: Pickup

Eterna forest: NOTHING! because Celeste kissed a Wurmple a bit too hard.

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