Mae rhagor o hwyl gyda'r Comisiynau Digidol Newydd y penwythnos hwn gyda Room to Escape!

Profwch ddychymyg ar ei orau wrth i 4 teulu drawsnewid eu cartrefi yn wagle theatraidd hudolus.

Room to Escape
⏰ 4pm

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Sut y mae’r Gryffalo, Plentyn y Gryffalo, Brigddyn a Sogi wedi newid eu bywydau wrth fyw a dysgu adref? Ewch i ddarganfod gyda’r llyfr rhad ac am ddim hwn gan Julia Donaldson a Axel Scheffler. Cyfieithiad Cymraeg ar gael yma:

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Sut y mae’r Gryffalo, Plentyn y Gryffalo, Brigddyn a Sogi wedi newid eu bywydau wrth fyw a dysgu adref? Ewch i ddarganfod gyda’r llyfr rhad ac am ddim hwn gan Julia Donaldson a Axel Scheffler. Cyfieithiad Cymraeg ar gael yma:

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Sut y mae’r Gryffalo, Plentyn y Gryffalo, Brigddyn a Sogi wedi newid eu bywydau wrth fyw a dysgu adref? Ewch i ddarganfod gyda’r llyfr rhad ac am ddim hwn gan Julia Donaldson a Axel Scheffler. Cyfieithiad Cymraeg ar gael yma:

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office life for a panda can be . . . fattening.

fan art of one of my fav comics / fur artists (Wolfgonewide)

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Rereading WRATH OF THE ETERNAL WARRIOR during lunch. Such a compelling and epic tale with breathtaking artwork.

There's a linewide sale over at and every issue of WRATH is only $0.99. Check it out here:

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My name is John Roshell, and I have been creating fonts the past 27 years for , which have been used to letter millions of comic book pages, and appeared everywhere from t-shirts to toy packages to toilet paper.

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Good night my dear friends, as soon as I have free time, I will make new fanarts to attract more public: ve I am thinking of doing a crossover image of my OC Geia with Palutena, since a lot of bad people say that they look alike!

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Happy 2020, everyone! May you carry love, creativity and kindness throughout the year. Go out and make those beautiful oopsies and do the art that make you happy.

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Newid Ymddygiad, Nid Newid Hinsawdd. | Behaviour Change, Not Climate Change.

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Now that is over, it's time to sketch and come up with some new ideas for ✏💡

Though whether I will be able to make those drawings into merch on time... Well that's another story 😅

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an oddly cute couple I colored in by WolfGoneWide over on FA who you can check out here and if you want to read an absolute dogshit short story you shouldn't go here in the description because you're clearly insane

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Top Cow Linewide Digital Comics
Sale! Up to 65% off!

The Sale Ends June 14th:

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