The Falls of Nimrodel (J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium)

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On the eve of the we finally get an issue of the flagship that truly evokes that old feeling!
It's Mystique, Nimrod, Moira, and... INFERNO?!
X-Lapsed, Episode 210 - X-Men

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My pet goat: Auriga-Zoraster (goat), Nimrod in christain texts. Flying disc, vulture, mazdaism/magus/magic cult . Zoroaster is noahs son Ham and vedic Arianism. 33 'Gods' which is 33 vertebra. zoraster Pair of scales Tula Bharam - money for sins- from babylon sumerian cult

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Nimrods: Whaaaat? Desire is nonbinary? No way, that's unpossible!! I don't know how people could even entertain the concept that Desire is nonbinary! There's nothing that indicates it anywhere!

Sandman Comics:

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My theory on Planet Size In order to buy up humanity, the Quiet Council agrees to extend the resurrection protocols to humans of any country which bans artificial intelligence that can lead to further Nimrod emergence, plus the requirement to help hunt down Orchis

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Nimrod Avigal (1983) paints Israeli men in Oil. His works reflect a world of softness and love 💜 For more go to his collection in the gallery >>

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With the X-Men's status as outlaws, Nimrod's assault is concerningly hailed as heroic by America media outlets, and if mutants are the next stage of human evolution, humanity's decision to reject their existence might not just signal the end of mutant kind, but life altogether...

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...when Nimrod reconstitutes his destroyed body with seemingly no effort at all. The Days of Future Past may have been averted, but if Nimrod is left unchecked, an even darker future awaits all of mutant kind.

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...of mutant kind. One by one, the entire team falls to Nimrod's assault.

Even Logan, whose berserker rage has slashed the X-Men out of more than one corner, proves ineffective against Nimrod's excessive strength.

Kitty makes her own attempts at disarming...

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...the being's raw force enough to prove Cain's undoing.

Rarely has a battle in-series felt hopeless–Jean's turn as Dark Phoenix perhaps the most recent example–but Nimrod (and what we know of his human allegiance and directives) introduces new concerns for the future...

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...against with brute strength alone; often, they had to rely upon their wits to outsmart and disarm their unstoppable foe so that the resident telepath could disable Cain's attack.

Nimrod, however, has no such issue taking the Juggernaut off the board...

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...Juggernaut back into the plot alongside Nimrod's official debut before the X-Men helps set the stakes of the monster-machine's presence in our timeline even before he faces off with the mutants.

To wit, Juggernaut has rarely, if ever, been a foe the team has managed to win...

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Venom by Heber Nimrod

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...reflection of her past-future, finally unlocking the memories of her arrival in the present. Alongside the elder Kate Pryde in a moment seemingly after DoFP, the two storm a Sentinel facility to deal with Project Nimrod (!).

One note in Claremont's scripts is future-Kate's...

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An Elven-maid there was of old,
A shining star by day:
Her mantle white was hemmed with gold,
Her shoes of silver-grey

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He made the same promise everyone else did, even before the laws. He’s just the only one who broke them. He nearly wrecked the Nimrod mission in doing so. And he made it clear he’d do it again

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So I saw 's new art and I'm a fucking nimrod!


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