Well Cadillac and good bud, Louis are getting a nice walk around from Rave. He likes being on a leash to show off ( he isn't owned by anyone). Time to go to the beach!! Louis and art is owned by @/Centaurus and Rave is owned by @)captaininferno.

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e domani sarà la per quella giornata tutti regalano la famosa mimosa...non avendo trovato quadri adeguati vi proponiamo questo! Le Ninfee di Monet 💐

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Keknya cuma ininfeh yg tatapannya kek kosong

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Ricordando Claude Monet, Le ninfee.
Felice compleanno 🌺

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"Fiori di terra e anche fiori di acqua, queste tenere ninfee che il Maestro ha dipinto in tele sublimi [...] sono come un primo, delizioso abbozzo di vita."


Monet, Ninfee, 1906

9 18

We went back and forth there, but since the silvery, infected eyes looked better, we decided to use Quess on the front cover and Tresh in the interior artwork. The feet should be a little more avian. You can see what the eyes would have looked like uninfected:

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È proibito
piangere senza imparare,
svegliarti la mattina senza sapere che fare
avere paura dei tuoi ricordi.

È proibito non sorridere ai problemi,
non lottare per quello in cui credi
e desistere, per paura.
Non cercare di trasformare i tuoi sogni in realta'.

Monet,ninfee rosa

15 26

When the Detective is in denial it's still him, not Ripper

SvenInfer 🚬 🧐

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Claude Monet (1840 - 1926) Ninfee, 1907, Bridgestone Museum of Art, Tokyo

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It's about two grave robbers who dig up a coffin, which they try to sell to a foreigner, but it ends up falling into a reservoir in transit, infecting the city's water supply. Our by-chance uninfected hero sets off to find his ex-girlfriend against a growing tide of zombie horde

0 2

La spessa coltre di tenebre
venne a sommergere
gli ultimi raggi del sole
nelle sue onde smorte
e le ninfee, tra i canneti,
le grandi ninfee sulle
acque calme.


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Ranocchi e
Glauco Cambon (Italiano,1875-1930)

.. abbiamo un profondo debito di gratitudine con M.Latour Marliac..Ha aggiunto le grandi e nobili forme e il tenero e adorabile colore delle ninfee orientali alle acque dei giardini dei paesi del nord. Robinson 1893

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Ranocchi e
Glauco Cambon (Italian,1875-1930)
oil on canvas

..we owe a deep debt of gratitude to M.Latour Marliac..He has added the large and noble forms and the soft and lovely colour the Eastern Water Lilies to the garden waters of northern countries. Robinson 1893

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e sia Monet & ninfee 🎨🎨🦋🦋🦋

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