Incredible work by artist Karl Gnass 🧡

Make sure to check out his NMA “Figure Drawing” series here: and improve those art skills!

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some designs i did for NMA (my gaia RP shop) more recently! i wanted to keep that first one SO BAD jkhdfgh

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It doesn t exactly looks like the picture anymore but whatever. I liked that Antisepticeye/villain-ish vibes.
( Btw, it s written "NMA" on his hoodie. Sometimes you have to take care of your " Negative Mental Attitude ".) 👌 ( u♡u)°•○~

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Ganbatte buat yg lgi UN, jgn lpa d ljk tulis nm sndiri, jgn tulis nma gebetan, apalg nma mantan yap~ /tlat

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Nma... a quickie of Iceburg from One Piece since I finished re-reading the Water 7 story.

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Nominated for in "Cool Parents" by Ethan Rilly in mag

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"Working for Position" by New Masters Academy founding member Steve Huston. NMA launches in just 29 days!

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