# kayle

Spike: And Puppycorn would be played by Cathy Weseluck!

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Thanks for the art share ❤

I actually have a few OCs, but these four are my babes ❤

Favourite snacks 🍪
Mino: Budbud (Filipino snack)
Yume: Frikadelbroodje (Dutch)
SPIKE: Chocolate chip cookies
Tatsuo: Saucijzenbroodje (Dutch)

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Lachlan: *bark bark*

Spike: He’s the same height as me, but yeah, he’s still small.

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Spike: *acting* No, not a noogie, anything but that!

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i helped and design a character called pike:)

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Spike: But, he’s also a dog.

Twilight: The cutest dog ever!

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Spike: Uh-huh, and Lachlan?

Twilight: Um..............

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Spike: Then how do you explain Rainbow Dash?

Twilight: Well, Unikitty is plastic.

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Twilight: Any closer, and you’ll be a gem yourself!

Spike: That’ll be cool!

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Spike: Unikitty, why are you holding a tiny snowboard? *sniff sniff* And why do you smell like Rainbow’s breath?

Lachlan: *snickering*

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Spike: I’m fine... I think I got hit in my eyes by a couple little stones.

*the “stones” turn out to be Lachlan and Unikitty as they returned to normal size*

Spike: Whoa! Where’d they come from?

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You didn’t end the game fast enough and Kayle just reached her lvl 16 powerspike:


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Spike: "Uhh, Boiler dude. Which of these two do you trust more?"

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Spike: I'm guessing you are hear to visit the Fluttertree as well?

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Spike: Who do you want to see first Anthony?

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Rainbow Dash: *sighs and blushes again* Yeah... w-wait, huh?!

Spike: (Hehe, you got her, Twilight!)

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Rainbow Dash: Yeah, we sure are! *she blushes as hearts pop around her*

Spike: Rainbow? Are you blushing?

Rainbow Dash: Uh-what? N-No! *innocently whistling*

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Spike: We know, you say that every-time!

Lachlan: *laughing* ‘Cause it’s true!

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Twilight: Um, wasn’t it Spike who...?

Spike: C’mon Twilight, let Lachlan have his moment.

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