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If Bonnie propose Four Battle Chatelaine Sisters: Morgan, Dana, Evelyn, and Nita for take care of her Older Brother Clemont from Pokemon X and Y the Anime Series

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If Four Battle Chatelaine Sisters: Morgan, Dana, Evelyn, and Nita should be debut on the Episodes of Pokemon X and Y the Anime Series

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to test a different coloring method, I entirely redid the shading on this particular serena pic I drew

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✨#うさぎゅーん x

C'était pas mon idée de base de faire comme ça...

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this is probably the only fanmade gengar variant i actually like

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came up with this idea during one of my Twitch streams and just had to make it a reality. For this Pokemon X Crossover, we have Hawlucha mixed with Nacho Libre which we have dubbed as Nacholucha

Comment which pairing I should do next

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Serena & Fennekin♥️
Next up is Serena & Fennekin playing frisbee! I did the best I could to recreate the old pose.

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